Our hope and goal is for this video to be shared far and wide, DO NOT re-upload this video without prior written permission and conditions from
As the environment and climate systems collapse around us all, how extreme can the desperation of the climate engineers become? How far are the geoengineers willing to go in their attempt to mask the unfolding climate collapse from the masses? Are the climate engineers willing to incinerate huge swaths of Earth’s remaining forests in order to temporarily cool parts of the planet with continent covering expanses of smoke? Examine the dire data presented in this video report and decide for yourself.
We, all of us, are rapidly running out of time. If the biosphere is not soon freed from the ongoing global climate engineering assault, there will very soon be nothing left to salvage of our once thriving planet.
If we are to have any chance of altering our current course in time to make a difference, the effort will take all of us. Detailed activist instructions and geoengineering awareness raising materials can be found on the home page of Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, please, help us to sound the alarm.
Dane Wigington
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Dane Wigington
Geoengineering Watch
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Tuesday, August 27, 2019
28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation From Fukushima
Update: New article addressing some of the critics who say that this information is “alarmist.”
Something Is Killing Life All Over The Pacific Ocean – Could It Be Fukushima?
The map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is particularly true along the west coast of the United States. Every single day, 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima enters the Pacific Ocean. That means that the total amount of radioactive material released from Fukushima is constantly increasing, and it is steadily building up in our food chain.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Eighth Sphere
"The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves, and have again and again to suffer disillusionment." [1]
The preceding is one of the most general statements I've ever read by Steiner about the goals of Lucifer and Ahriman. In previous essays, I have concentrated on a few of the approaches they use to sidetrack our evolution, but I didn't go into much detail on their intended destination. That is the subject of this essay.
The "destination" to which I refer is known as the Eighth Sphere. It's a quasi-spiritual world which surrounds us. It was produced by Lucifer and Ahriman just as our solar system's previous "incarnation," a.k.a. the Old Moon "manvantara," was ending. As Steiner puts it, "Thus as Sphere Three [Old Moon manvantara was] advancing to a further stage, something is wrested from the Spirits of Form by Lucifer and Ahriman; into this part that is wrested away, Lucifer and Ahriman penetrate, instead of the Sprits of Form. The activities of Lucifer and Ahriman are added to the Spirits of Movement [among others which created the Old Moon] and, as a result Eight arises out of Three." [2]
In An Outline of Occult Science [3], Steiner describes this "substantiality": "[Mankind was] embedded in the above-described vaporous environment. The most manifold processes occur within this mistlike element. Substances now unite, now separate. Certain parts condense, others become rarefied. All this occurs in such a way that the human beings neither see nor hear it directly, but images [Imaginations] are called forth by it in their consciousness.... Although they are symbols, not copies, they correspond, nevertheless, to the outer events.... A Moon humanity is thus in the position to direct its actions in accordance with these pictures [although driven by dull urges instead of having free will]." [4]
Another angle on this Old Moon form of consciousness is provided by the following excerpt:
in days when the semi-fluid, semi-vaporous Earth was still united with the Moon. Man moved through the semi-fluid, semi-gaseous element like a fish, guiding his way by means of this organ. His perceptions were of a visionary, allegoric nature. Currents of warmth evoked in him the impression of dazzling red and of powerful sound. Currents of cold evoked the impression of shades of green and blue, silvery, rippling sounds. [4a]
Then, as the Earth manvantara (the first one with "solid" matter) began to materialize, Lucifer and Ahriman took the opportunity to grab some of it for their world and infused it into the "substance" which they had stolen from the Old Moon: "Thus when the mineral comes into existence out of the Imaginative substantiality, it is snatched by Lucifer and Ahriman and made into Imagination [i.e. given the form of Imagination instead of that which it was supposed to take]." [5]
Steiner reinforces this statement in a passage which includes a tantalizing potential clue to the nature of the Ghost Society:
"Mark this well: Instead of pure Imagination [Old moon "substantiality"] being there, the Imaginations ARE DENSIFIED BY THE INFUSION OF A MINERAL ELEMENT THAT HAS BEEN WRESTED FROM THE EARTH. Densified Imaginations are thus created.... They are ghosts, spectres - that is to say, behind our world there is a world of spectres created by Lucifer and Ahriman." [5]
But that wasn't the end of it; Lucifer and Ahriman continue to take whatever they can from Earth, and convert it into Old Moon substance to add to their world:
Lucifer and Ahriman strive unceasingly to draw from the Earth's substances whatever they can snatch, in order to form their Eighth Sphere which then, when it is sufficiently advanced, will be detached from the Earth and go its own way in the Cosmos together with Lucifer and Ahriman. [7]
This impolite pair find their greatest success in seizing physical matter in human beings, specifically, in the brain. From what I gather, this is because, as Steiner puts it, "physical substance there is more spiritualized that anywhere else." He also states that "everything that is similar to the head ... is equally exposed to the danger of being dispatched to the Eighth Sphere." [8]
"New Age" gang spreads confusion about the 8th Sphere
In the Occult Movement in the 19th Century, Steiner devotes considerable time to the spin put on the 8th Sphere by A.P. Sinnett's book Esoteric Buddhism. Sinnett essentially states that the present Moon is the 8th Sphere, when in fact the physical aspect of the Moon was created by Jahve to prevent a certain amount of matter from being seized by Lucifer and Ahriman. Steiner claims that Sinnett's distortion was intended to convey a materialistic version of reincarnation, which he does not describe. I'll take his word for it, but I think it's safe to say that it also tends to conceal a major aspect of what Lucifer and Ahriman are doing.
Steiner also mentions that H.P. Blavatsky, upon realizing that she was being used by so-called left-hand initiates (who pursue selfish interests) to give the impression that their propaganda was coming from benevolent higher beings, tried to correct Sinnett's error. But she wasn't a very good writer, and Sinnett's teachings became the generally accepted view among theosophists.
Seducing and driving us to the 8th Sphere
"If Rome had developed in such a way that a great all-embracing mechanized empire had arisen, it would only have been habitable for egoless human beings who would have remained on earth after Lucifer had drawn out their souls on the path of Greek culture and art. YOU SEE HOW AHRIMAN AND LUCIFER WORK TOGETHER. LUCIFER WANTS TOTAKE MEN'S SOULS AWAY AND FOUND A PLANET WITH THEM OF HIS OWN.AHRIMAN HAS TO HELP HIM. WHILE LUCIFER SUCKS THE JUICE OUT OF THE
LEMON, AS IT WERE, AHRIMAN PRESSES IT OUT, THEREBY HARDENING WHATREMAINS. This is what he tried to do to the civilization of Rome. Here we have an important cosmic process going on all due to the intention and resolve of luciferic and ahrimanic powers. As I have said, they were disappointed. They have continued their efforts, however, and our fifth post-Atlantean age has yet [as of 1916] to learn how strong these attacks are. They are now only beginning but they will become stronger and stronger. This age must learn, too, that THE NECESSITY TO UNDERSTAND THESE ATTACKS WILL BECOME EVER GREATER." [emphasis added] [9]
"But the endeavor of Lucifer and Ahriman is TO DRAG THE FREE WILL OF MAN, AND WHATEVER STEMS FROM IT, into the Eighth Sphere. This means that man is perpetually exposed to the danger of having his free will wrested from him and dragged by Lucifer and Ahriman into the Eighth Sphere.
"This happens if the element of free will is transformed, FOR EXAMPLE, into visionary clairvoyance. When this is the case, a man is already in the Eighth Sphere. This is a matter of which occultists are reluctant to speak, because it is an awful, terrible truth.
Lucifer and Ahriman are engaged perpetually in shackling man's free will and in conjuring all sorts of things before him in order TO TEAR AWAY WHAT HE MAKES OUT OF THESE THINGS and let it disappear into the Eighth Sphere."
I presume that what Steiner means by "conjuring all sorts of things before him" means that they directly or indirectly arrange stimuli which are calculated to produce certain states of mind which facilitate the theft of will.
Free will is our ability to convert our decisions into objects and events in the physical world, and developing it is one of our main tasks at this stage in our evolution. Therefore, taking it from us is a means of interfering with our evolution.
Satan and Lucifers' basic strategy for leading our higher souls or egos to the 8th Sphere is to cause humans to become disenchanted with Earth and unwittingly enchanted with the Eighth Sphere. Earth-mankind would then become a race of homunculi, or talking animals, much like Beavis and Butthead.
In preventing their success, mankind has had a great deal of assistance from the progressive side of the spiritual hierarchy, in ways which few would expect. In Inner Impulses of Evolution, Steiner describes the tactics they used during ancient Greek and Roman times. But that was then, and this is now, and what happens is much more up to us.
References and Notes
[1]Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 5
[2] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 83
[3] Rudolf Steiner, An Outline of Occult Science
[4] An Outline of Occult Science, Book IV
The Evolution of The Cosmos and Man (Part 5)
[4a] An Esoteric Cosmology IV, Involution and Evolution
[5] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 84
[6] ibid., p 84
[7] ibid., p 85
[8] ibid., p 86
[9] Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 2[10] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 90
vendredi 19 octobre 2007
The Eighth Sphere
The preceding is one of the most general statements I've ever read by Steiner about the goals of Lucifer and Ahriman. In previous essays, I have concentrated on a few of the approaches they use to sidetrack our evolution, but I didn't go into much detail on their intended destination. That is the subject of this essay.
The "destination" to which I refer is known as the Eighth Sphere. It's a quasi-spiritual world which surrounds us. It was produced by Lucifer and Ahriman just as our solar system's previous "incarnation," a.k.a. the Old Moon "manvantara," was ending. As Steiner puts it, "Thus as Sphere Three [Old Moon manvantara was] advancing to a further stage, something is wrested from the Spirits of Form by Lucifer and Ahriman; into this part that is wrested away, Lucifer and Ahriman penetrate, instead of the Sprits of Form. The activities of Lucifer and Ahriman are added to the Spirits of Movement [among others which created the Old Moon] and, as a result Eight arises out of Three." [2]
In An Outline of Occult Science [3], Steiner describes this "substantiality": "[Mankind was] embedded in the above-described vaporous environment. The most manifold processes occur within this mistlike element. Substances now unite, now separate. Certain parts condense, others become rarefied. All this occurs in such a way that the human beings neither see nor hear it directly, but images [Imaginations] are called forth by it in their consciousness.... Although they are symbols, not copies, they correspond, nevertheless, to the outer events.... A Moon humanity is thus in the position to direct its actions in accordance with these pictures [although driven by dull urges instead of having free will]." [4]
Another angle on this Old Moon form of consciousness is provided by the following excerpt:
in days when the semi-fluid, semi-vaporous Earth was still united with the Moon. Man moved through the semi-fluid, semi-gaseous element like a fish, guiding his way by means of this organ. His perceptions were of a visionary, allegoric nature. Currents of warmth evoked in him the impression of dazzling red and of powerful sound. Currents of cold evoked the impression of shades of green and blue, silvery, rippling sounds. [4a]
Then, as the Earth manvantara (the first one with "solid" matter) began to materialize, Lucifer and Ahriman took the opportunity to grab some of it for their world and infused it into the "substance" which they had stolen from the Old Moon: "Thus when the mineral comes into existence out of the Imaginative substantiality, it is snatched by Lucifer and Ahriman and made into Imagination [i.e. given the form of Imagination instead of that which it was supposed to take]." [5]
Steiner reinforces this statement in a passage which includes a tantalizing potential clue to the nature of the Ghost Society:
"Mark this well: Instead of pure Imagination [Old moon "substantiality"] being there, the Imaginations ARE DENSIFIED BY THE INFUSION OF A MINERAL ELEMENT THAT HAS BEEN WRESTED FROM THE EARTH. Densified Imaginations are thus created.... They are ghosts, spectres - that is to say, behind our world there is a world of spectres created by Lucifer and Ahriman." [5]
But that wasn't the end of it; Lucifer and Ahriman continue to take whatever they can from Earth, and convert it into Old Moon substance to add to their world:
Lucifer and Ahriman strive unceasingly to draw from the Earth's substances whatever they can snatch, in order to form their Eighth Sphere which then, when it is sufficiently advanced, will be detached from the Earth and go its own way in the Cosmos together with Lucifer and Ahriman. [7]
This impolite pair find their greatest success in seizing physical matter in human beings, specifically, in the brain. From what I gather, this is because, as Steiner puts it, "physical substance there is more spiritualized that anywhere else." He also states that "everything that is similar to the head ... is equally exposed to the danger of being dispatched to the Eighth Sphere." [8]
"New Age" gang spreads confusion about the 8th Sphere
In the Occult Movement in the 19th Century, Steiner devotes considerable time to the spin put on the 8th Sphere by A.P. Sinnett's book Esoteric Buddhism. Sinnett essentially states that the present Moon is the 8th Sphere, when in fact the physical aspect of the Moon was created by Jahve to prevent a certain amount of matter from being seized by Lucifer and Ahriman. Steiner claims that Sinnett's distortion was intended to convey a materialistic version of reincarnation, which he does not describe. I'll take his word for it, but I think it's safe to say that it also tends to conceal a major aspect of what Lucifer and Ahriman are doing.
Steiner also mentions that H.P. Blavatsky, upon realizing that she was being used by so-called left-hand initiates (who pursue selfish interests) to give the impression that their propaganda was coming from benevolent higher beings, tried to correct Sinnett's error. But she wasn't a very good writer, and Sinnett's teachings became the generally accepted view among theosophists.
Seducing and driving us to the 8th Sphere
"If Rome had developed in such a way that a great all-embracing mechanized empire had arisen, it would only have been habitable for egoless human beings who would have remained on earth after Lucifer had drawn out their souls on the path of Greek culture and art. YOU SEE HOW AHRIMAN AND LUCIFER WORK TOGETHER. LUCIFER WANTS TOTAKE MEN'S SOULS AWAY AND FOUND A PLANET WITH THEM OF HIS OWN.AHRIMAN HAS TO HELP HIM. WHILE LUCIFER SUCKS THE JUICE OUT OF THE
LEMON, AS IT WERE, AHRIMAN PRESSES IT OUT, THEREBY HARDENING WHATREMAINS. This is what he tried to do to the civilization of Rome. Here we have an important cosmic process going on all due to the intention and resolve of luciferic and ahrimanic powers. As I have said, they were disappointed. They have continued their efforts, however, and our fifth post-Atlantean age has yet [as of 1916] to learn how strong these attacks are. They are now only beginning but they will become stronger and stronger. This age must learn, too, that THE NECESSITY TO UNDERSTAND THESE ATTACKS WILL BECOME EVER GREATER." [emphasis added] [9]
"But the endeavor of Lucifer and Ahriman is TO DRAG THE FREE WILL OF MAN, AND WHATEVER STEMS FROM IT, into the Eighth Sphere. This means that man is perpetually exposed to the danger of having his free will wrested from him and dragged by Lucifer and Ahriman into the Eighth Sphere.
"This happens if the element of free will is transformed, FOR EXAMPLE, into visionary clairvoyance. When this is the case, a man is already in the Eighth Sphere. This is a matter of which occultists are reluctant to speak, because it is an awful, terrible truth.
Lucifer and Ahriman are engaged perpetually in shackling man's free will and in conjuring all sorts of things before him in order TO TEAR AWAY WHAT HE MAKES OUT OF THESE THINGS and let it disappear into the Eighth Sphere."
I presume that what Steiner means by "conjuring all sorts of things before him" means that they directly or indirectly arrange stimuli which are calculated to produce certain states of mind which facilitate the theft of will.
Free will is our ability to convert our decisions into objects and events in the physical world, and developing it is one of our main tasks at this stage in our evolution. Therefore, taking it from us is a means of interfering with our evolution.
Satan and Lucifers' basic strategy for leading our higher souls or egos to the 8th Sphere is to cause humans to become disenchanted with Earth and unwittingly enchanted with the Eighth Sphere. Earth-mankind would then become a race of homunculi, or talking animals, much like Beavis and Butthead.
In preventing their success, mankind has had a great deal of assistance from the progressive side of the spiritual hierarchy, in ways which few would expect. In Inner Impulses of Evolution, Steiner describes the tactics they used during ancient Greek and Roman times. But that was then, and this is now, and what happens is much more up to us.
References and Notes
[1]Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 5
[2] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 83
[3] Rudolf Steiner, An Outline of Occult Science
[4] An Outline of Occult Science, Book IV
The Evolution of The Cosmos and Man (Part 5)
[4a] An Esoteric Cosmology IV, Involution and Evolution
[5] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 84
[6] ibid., p 84
[7] ibid., p 85
[8] ibid., p 86
[9] Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 2[10] Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Movement in the 19th Century, p 90
Monday, August 19, 2019
Finky & The Kids: Arthur Finkelstein & The ZioRussoHungarian Fake Right Nexus
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarran reporting:
We begin this extended edition by discussing a list of possible American donors to Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2008 election, and some of the more interesting and significant names on the list, including Ronald Lauder, Leslie Wexner, Tamir Sapir, Leonard Blavatnik, and even Donald Trump.
From there we discuss some of the history of SCL Group and Cambridge Analytica, including its growth and evolution, and its connections to Russia. Then we talk about the late Arthur Finkelstein and his decades long career as a very successful strategist and operative for right wing campaigns in the US, Canada, Eastern Europe, and Israel, and his many “kids” who have themselves become political right wing political players.
We identify Finkelstein as a key figure in not only the “Russiagate” narrative, but also in the evolution of the global far right political movement throughout the world.
Graphic by Jon Swinn, who can be found at
Watch the video: Finky & The Kids Arthur Finkelstein & The Zio Russo Hungarian Fake Right Nexus
Published (mirrored) August 13, 2018 courtesy of The Antedote
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarran reporting:
We begin this extended edition by discussing a list of possible American donors to Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2008 election, and some of the more interesting and significant names on the list, including Ronald Lauder, Leslie Wexner, Tamir Sapir, Leonard Blavatnik, and even Donald Trump.
From there we discuss some of the history of SCL Group and Cambridge Analytica, including its growth and evolution, and its connections to Russia. Then we talk about the late Arthur Finkelstein and his decades long career as a very successful strategist and operative for right wing campaigns in the US, Canada, Eastern Europe, and Israel, and his many “kids” who have themselves become political right wing political players.
We identify Finkelstein as a key figure in not only the “Russiagate” narrative, but also in the evolution of the global far right political movement throughout the world.
Graphic by Jon Swinn, who can be found at
Watch the video: Finky & The Kids Arthur Finkelstein & The Zio Russo Hungarian Fake Right Nexus
Published (mirrored) August 13, 2018 courtesy of The Antedote
Khazarian Mafia Rules: Israel Put Trump in White House, Khazarian Mafia Keeps Him There
By M. Raphael Johnson, PH.D.
July 11, 2017 Anno Domini
(Barnes Review May/June 2006)
On April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene.
Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy. Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance—based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region.
The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion

July 11, 2017 Anno Domini
(Barnes Review May/June 2006)
On April 28, 2002, a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary, Gen. Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene.
Almost immediately, the international press blamed “heavy fog” for the incident. However, at the time, every member of the Russian military was convinced the death of Lebed was no accident, but rather another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organization that had long since taken control over much of Russia’s economy. Lebed, likely the most popular man in Russia at the time, was going to build a national socialist empire—possibly with Chinese assistance—based on the massive oil and mineral wealth of the region.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Aya Retreats
Friday, August 9, 2019
Quantum Boom! Theory - The Microcosmic Boom! - Dark Threads
At this point in time they are debating whether or not space is empty? But the magnetic compass has been around for thousands of years.
With a simple compass you can easily verify:
● There is something filling supposed empty space.
● Whatever is filling space is also lining-up
● Whatever is lining-up also has a direction.
Can General or Special Relativity explain something in space is lining-up and having a direction? Of course not.
String theory with tiny vibration strings can also absolutely NOT explain it.
The supposed Higgs Field does NOT explain it.
There is nothing in the Standard Model that can explain it.
Loop Quantum Gravity? Quantum Mechanics? Nope, nothing explains it.
NOTE: you might get Mr. Simple that claims it is vectors in the EMF (field) but that is just infuriating because a "vector" is just another word for a direction - and the reason for space having a direction is what is NOT explained. (Richard Feynman would tear you a new one)
They also think a "field" is just math - like a set of numbers - nothing of actual substance. And the numbers only represent places in space - nothing is actually there. So, that offers no explanation whatsoever.
Got that?
If someone asks you what a "magnetic field" is...
your answer cannot be: left, right, 5, 6, 7.
"Lining-up" Analogy: If you threw a bunch of ping-pong balls into a box container they would pack the bottom. They would actually line-up.
Lining-up is easy.
And if you threw a pencil into the box with the ping-pong balls the pencil would also be forced to line-up along one of the troughs made by the ping-pong balls. But there is absolutely NO direction involved. The lining up would be just random - for this scenario it is one of six ways.
Having a direction is the monumental thing - space itself can force something physical into a specific direction.
Got That? The directional line-up would be like putting the pencil in the box and the ping-pong balls somehow mechanically move the pencil so it points north. And if you rotate the whole box the ping-pong balls will change the direction of the pencil again - to point north
Think about it: A simple compass completely wipes every known theory right off the map. But it proves there must be a substance in space and it can line-up somehow. Is that even possible? Yes, it is easy, it's Quantum Thread Theory. QTT explains everythi
With a simple compass you can easily verify:
● There is something filling supposed empty space.
● Whatever is filling space is also lining-up
● Whatever is lining-up also has a direction.
Can General or Special Relativity explain something in space is lining-up and having a direction? Of course not.
String theory with tiny vibration strings can also absolutely NOT explain it.
The supposed Higgs Field does NOT explain it.
There is nothing in the Standard Model that can explain it.
Loop Quantum Gravity? Quantum Mechanics? Nope, nothing explains it.
NOTE: you might get Mr. Simple that claims it is vectors in the EMF (field) but that is just infuriating because a "vector" is just another word for a direction - and the reason for space having a direction is what is NOT explained. (Richard Feynman would tear you a new one)
They also think a "field" is just math - like a set of numbers - nothing of actual substance. And the numbers only represent places in space - nothing is actually there. So, that offers no explanation whatsoever.
Got that?
If someone asks you what a "magnetic field" is...
your answer cannot be: left, right, 5, 6, 7.
"Lining-up" Analogy: If you threw a bunch of ping-pong balls into a box container they would pack the bottom. They would actually line-up.
Lining-up is easy.

And if you threw a pencil into the box with the ping-pong balls the pencil would also be forced to line-up along one of the troughs made by the ping-pong balls. But there is absolutely NO direction involved. The lining up would be just random - for this scenario it is one of six ways.
Having a direction is the monumental thing - space itself can force something physical into a specific direction.
Got That? The directional line-up would be like putting the pencil in the box and the ping-pong balls somehow mechanically move the pencil so it points north. And if you rotate the whole box the ping-pong balls will change the direction of the pencil again - to point north
Think about it: A simple compass completely wipes every known theory right off the map. But it proves there must be a substance in space and it can line-up somehow. Is that even possible? Yes, it is easy, it's Quantum Thread Theory. QTT explains everythi
Monday, August 5, 2019
H.P. Lovecraft's Magick Realism
Nowhere is this more evident than in the loosely linked cycle of stories known as the Cthulhu Mythos. Named for a tentacled alien monster who waits dreaming beneath the sea in the sunken city of R'lyeh, the Mythos encompasses the cosmic career of a variety of gruesome extraterrestrial entities that include Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, and the blind idiot god Azazoth, who sprawls at the center of Ultimate Chaos, "encircled by his flopping horde of mindless and amorphous dancers, and lulled by the thin monotonous piping of a demonic flute held in nameless paws."[1] Lurking on the margins of our space-time continuum, this merry crew of Outer Gods and Great Old Ones are now attempting to invade our world through science and dream and horrid rites.
As a marginally popular writer working in the literary equivalent of the gutter, Lovecraft received no serious attention during his lifetime. But while most 1930s pulp fiction is nearly unreadable today, Lovecraft continues to attract attention. In France and Japan, his tales of cosmic fungi, degenerate cults and seriously bad dreams are recognized as works of bent genius, and the celebrated French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari praise his radical embrace of multiplicity in their magnum opus A Thousand Plateaus.2 On Anglo-American turf, a passionate cabal of critics fill journals like Lovecraft Studies and Crypt of Cthulhu with their almost talmudic research. Meanwhile both hacks and gifted disciples continue to craft stories that elaborate the Cthulhu Mythos. There's even a Lovecraft convention--the NecronomiCon, named for the most famous of his forbidden grimoires. Like the gnostic science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, H.P. Lovecraft is the epitome of a cult author.
H.P. Lovecraft's Magick Realism
In this book it is spoken of...Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether they exist or not. By doing certain things certain results follow.Consumed by cancer in 1937 at the age of 46, the last scion of a faded aristocratic New England family, the horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft left one of America's most curious literary legacies. The bulk of his short stories appeared in Weird Tales, a pulp magazine devoted to the supernatural. But within these modest confines, Lovecraft brought dark fantasy screaming into the 20th century, taking the genre, almost literally, into a new dimension.
--Aleister Crowley
Nowhere is this more evident than in the loosely linked cycle of stories known as the Cthulhu Mythos. Named for a tentacled alien monster who waits dreaming beneath the sea in the sunken city of R'lyeh, the Mythos encompasses the cosmic career of a variety of gruesome extraterrestrial entities that include Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, and the blind idiot god Azazoth, who sprawls at the center of Ultimate Chaos, "encircled by his flopping horde of mindless and amorphous dancers, and lulled by the thin monotonous piping of a demonic flute held in nameless paws."[1] Lurking on the margins of our space-time continuum, this merry crew of Outer Gods and Great Old Ones are now attempting to invade our world through science and dream and horrid rites.
As a marginally popular writer working in the literary equivalent of the gutter, Lovecraft received no serious attention during his lifetime. But while most 1930s pulp fiction is nearly unreadable today, Lovecraft continues to attract attention. In France and Japan, his tales of cosmic fungi, degenerate cults and seriously bad dreams are recognized as works of bent genius, and the celebrated French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari praise his radical embrace of multiplicity in their magnum opus A Thousand Plateaus.2 On Anglo-American turf, a passionate cabal of critics fill journals like Lovecraft Studies and Crypt of Cthulhu with their almost talmudic research. Meanwhile both hacks and gifted disciples continue to craft stories that elaborate the Cthulhu Mythos. There's even a Lovecraft convention--the NecronomiCon, named for the most famous of his forbidden grimoires. Like the gnostic science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, H.P. Lovecraft is the epitome of a cult author.
The Astonishing Link Between Quantum Physics & The Human Mind
The connection between human consciousness, or factors associated with human consciousness such as intention, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the physical realm is fascinating. This is precisely why nearly all of the founding fathers of quantum physics were so preoccupied with learning more about consciousness, and “non-material” science in general. The theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, Max Planck, for instance, regarded “consciousness as fundamental” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, another famous theoretical physicist and mathematician, also emphasized how “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
The connection between human consciousness, or factors associated with human consciousness such as intention, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the physical realm is fascinating. This is precisely why nearly all of the founding fathers of quantum physics were so preoccupied with learning more about consciousness, and “non-material” science in general. The theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, Max Planck, for instance, regarded “consciousness as fundamental” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, another famous theoretical physicist and mathematician, also emphasized how “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
US Gov has legalized psychological operations against citizens Convert & Download
Source of second half of the video: pocketsofthefuture H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 Case in point: As stated in the video, “… through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the internet, and other information media including social media, and through information centers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication.” And people thought I went too far with this - - saying that there’s a huge psychological operation against blacks that is being carried out through agent teachers, fake Facebook accounts and groups, Hollywood, the news media, and more. I feel vindicated. Yes, US Government Propaganda Use Against American Citizens Is Officially Legal Now “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
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