Saturday, May 18, 2024

Avoiding Deception About the Antichrist 

 The apostle Paul also warned us that truth and righteousness would be twisted or distorted in the last days. In 1 Timothy 4:1-2 he wrote,

    But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron . . . 1 Timothy 4:1-2 (NASB)

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 gives us another warning. This warning is about an evil leader who will appear in the last days—at the beginning of the tribulation. The apostle Paul says,

    Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship . . . 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (NASB)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trump Betrayal List



 - DACA Vermin become "great kids" he wants to "save" - pushed to SHAMNESTY 3x more INVADERS than Obama proposed.

- Never Ordered the long-standing, court-cleared FELONY prohibiting Employing Illegal-Aliens Enforced as PROMISED. We never even needed a wall, when that law was enforced ( ).

- Never put Fees on Remittances = how cartels get paid, and why families send their fat (not starving), nation-putrefying kids here. "Who is going to PAY for the WALL?? MEXICO!!!!" - remember the 2016 rallies? Now Trump literally calls you a "LOSER" if you bring it up.

- Illegal-Alien child-traffickers given work-permits and DHS Air Uber by exec-order, reversing Jeff Sessions' "Zero Tolerance" policy - opening Obama's "kid cages" of 3rd-World-spawn upon us, like a plague of poverty-spreading rats.

- REFUSED to Country-Ban the NGO-funded Caravan Hordes, though the SCOTUS had Just Re-Affirmed that law in 2017. Instead, his phony "Wait in Mexico" sent back only 81K of 5-MILLION "encountered" by the Border Patrol.

- "Immigration in the Largest Numbers Ever" SOTU 2019 speech + "We Need to Bring In Workers" at CPAC - with "fast tracked" American-Family-Destroying Treason-Visas - then Rubbed This VERMIN In Our FACES at the Republican National Convention, with his "naturalization ceremony" of the "Meet Your REPLACEMENTS!!" workers.

- STOPPED Interior Enforcement against Illegals in Our Homeland ( )

- Dumped his childhood-vax investigation position. Instead took $1M from Pfizer, made Pfizer and Eli-Lilly guys head of the FDA and HHS, signed an Exec-Order switch to mRNA Vaxxes Sept 2019 (pre-virus-release)

- Federal Guideline LOCKDOWNS, SOCIAL-DISTANCING, and MASKING to WRECK our economy, children's minds, and all based on BS that us "regular folks" knew were LIES from the beginning.

- Denied Safe, Effective "off patent" treatments - pushing Deadly "on-patent" Remdesivir + lung-wrecking ventilators - to KILL the Elderly with an easily-treatable disease - Maximizing DEATH, to Fear-Sell Big-Pharma's BILLIONS-IN-PROFITS, USELESS and TOXIC Murder-Vaxxes, which we never needed.

- Pushed those corporate-welfare funded MURDER-Vaxxes, designed to Kill Americans, as SAFE - and has STILL NEVER WARNED his supporters that ALL EVIDENCE shows they are both ineffective and deadly - long after a time when no one could claim he just "didn't know."

- Holds PRO-LGBTPedo events at Mar-A-Lago - "celebrating" Fake-Homo "marriage" (2022), and FORCING Doctors to perform CHILD-MUTILATION "gender treatments" (2021 - ) with the "Log Cabin Republicans."

- "Keep Our Factories in Mexico" Raw Deal on Trade, instead of Restoring our Great-America-Era high-tariffs, to force manufacturing home.

- Pushed a "Take the Guns First" / "red flag" policy on the 2A - on video with Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee.

- Lethal-Aid to Ukraine and withdraw from the Intermediate-Range missile-treaty (why we have war there now), to continue the escalation with Russia, and not One Foreign War ended.

- Created the CISA Censorship system in 2018. Biden continued it.

- Pushed the "George Floyd" narrative of "systemic waaayyycism" by his White voter-base - demonizing us, and throwing the cops under the bus who formerly protected us from THUGS like Floyd.

- Signed the "First Step Act" into law, with Kamala's support, despite warnings it would release violent criminals and sex offenders, who would go on to commit murder.

- Shut down Kobach's Voter Integrity Commission, to keep the Fake Names on the Voter Rolls for Zukerberg-paid BLM-Thugs' fraudulent-ballots, then signed the "legalize voter-fraud" CARES Act, so they could Tag-Team in Biden. Then, blamed everyone but himself for losing the WH.

- Total Betrayal of the J6 folks, who came to DC at Trump's request. On J7, Trump gave a speech throwing them under the bus. Later, he did not even help with a fund-raiser for their legal-defense = Trump's signature "One Way Street" Loyalty.

 @Nazareno @DrFell Trump TALKS nationalist, but ACTED GLOBALIST at EVERY JUNCTURE, during his time in the WH.

There are only 3 explanations:
1) He was always a globalist scumbag, just lying to us the whole time.
2) He is a weak-minded little frightened-puppy / child, who whined, shivered, and peed the carpet every time he was confronted by globalists.
3) He is so unable to think for himself / cannot comprehend even simple data, and a horrible judge of character, he HIRES and BELIEVES what ENEMY Neo-Cons, Pharma, Economists, etc tell him - CONTINUING TO THIS DAY. See Suzie Wiles, chairman of the "Save America PAC," a Pharma Toadie (just like all Trump's WH-hires):

The 3rd is the most charitable explanation, but ALL OPTIONS are 100% Disqualifying.

RFK-Jr is as horribly Leftist as Trump on social-policy, but at least he has a functional brain, and stands firm on what he believes. Maybe he will "Pull a Trump" and sell us out, again - but we KNOW Trump will.