Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trump Betrayal List



 - DACA Vermin become "great kids" he wants to "save" - pushed to SHAMNESTY 3x more INVADERS than Obama proposed.

- Never Ordered the long-standing, court-cleared FELONY prohibiting Employing Illegal-Aliens Enforced as PROMISED. We never even needed a wall, when that law was enforced ( ).

- Never put Fees on Remittances = how cartels get paid, and why families send their fat (not starving), nation-putrefying kids here. "Who is going to PAY for the WALL?? MEXICO!!!!" - remember the 2016 rallies? Now Trump literally calls you a "LOSER" if you bring it up.

- Illegal-Alien child-traffickers given work-permits and DHS Air Uber by exec-order, reversing Jeff Sessions' "Zero Tolerance" policy - opening Obama's "kid cages" of 3rd-World-spawn upon us, like a plague of poverty-spreading rats.

- REFUSED to Country-Ban the NGO-funded Caravan Hordes, though the SCOTUS had Just Re-Affirmed that law in 2017. Instead, his phony "Wait in Mexico" sent back only 81K of 5-MILLION "encountered" by the Border Patrol.

- "Immigration in the Largest Numbers Ever" SOTU 2019 speech + "We Need to Bring In Workers" at CPAC - with "fast tracked" American-Family-Destroying Treason-Visas - then Rubbed This VERMIN In Our FACES at the Republican National Convention, with his "naturalization ceremony" of the "Meet Your REPLACEMENTS!!" workers.

- STOPPED Interior Enforcement against Illegals in Our Homeland ( )

- Dumped his childhood-vax investigation position. Instead took $1M from Pfizer, made Pfizer and Eli-Lilly guys head of the FDA and HHS, signed an Exec-Order switch to mRNA Vaxxes Sept 2019 (pre-virus-release)

- Federal Guideline LOCKDOWNS, SOCIAL-DISTANCING, and MASKING to WRECK our economy, children's minds, and all based on BS that us "regular folks" knew were LIES from the beginning.

- Denied Safe, Effective "off patent" treatments - pushing Deadly "on-patent" Remdesivir + lung-wrecking ventilators - to KILL the Elderly with an easily-treatable disease - Maximizing DEATH, to Fear-Sell Big-Pharma's BILLIONS-IN-PROFITS, USELESS and TOXIC Murder-Vaxxes, which we never needed.

- Pushed those corporate-welfare funded MURDER-Vaxxes, designed to Kill Americans, as SAFE - and has STILL NEVER WARNED his supporters that ALL EVIDENCE shows they are both ineffective and deadly - long after a time when no one could claim he just "didn't know."

- Holds PRO-LGBTPedo events at Mar-A-Lago - "celebrating" Fake-Homo "marriage" (2022), and FORCING Doctors to perform CHILD-MUTILATION "gender treatments" (2021 - ) with the "Log Cabin Republicans."

- "Keep Our Factories in Mexico" Raw Deal on Trade, instead of Restoring our Great-America-Era high-tariffs, to force manufacturing home.

- Pushed a "Take the Guns First" / "red flag" policy on the 2A - on video with Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee.

- Lethal-Aid to Ukraine and withdraw from the Intermediate-Range missile-treaty (why we have war there now), to continue the escalation with Russia, and not One Foreign War ended.

- Created the CISA Censorship system in 2018. Biden continued it.

- Pushed the "George Floyd" narrative of "systemic waaayyycism" by his White voter-base - demonizing us, and throwing the cops under the bus who formerly protected us from THUGS like Floyd.

- Signed the "First Step Act" into law, with Kamala's support, despite warnings it would release violent criminals and sex offenders, who would go on to commit murder.

- Shut down Kobach's Voter Integrity Commission, to keep the Fake Names on the Voter Rolls for Zukerberg-paid BLM-Thugs' fraudulent-ballots, then signed the "legalize voter-fraud" CARES Act, so they could Tag-Team in Biden. Then, blamed everyone but himself for losing the WH.

- Total Betrayal of the J6 folks, who came to DC at Trump's request. On J7, Trump gave a speech throwing them under the bus. Later, he did not even help with a fund-raiser for their legal-defense = Trump's signature "One Way Street" Loyalty.

 @Nazareno @DrFell Trump TALKS nationalist, but ACTED GLOBALIST at EVERY JUNCTURE, during his time in the WH.

There are only 3 explanations:
1) He was always a globalist scumbag, just lying to us the whole time.
2) He is a weak-minded little frightened-puppy / child, who whined, shivered, and peed the carpet every time he was confronted by globalists.
3) He is so unable to think for himself / cannot comprehend even simple data, and a horrible judge of character, he HIRES and BELIEVES what ENEMY Neo-Cons, Pharma, Economists, etc tell him - CONTINUING TO THIS DAY. See Suzie Wiles, chairman of the "Save America PAC," a Pharma Toadie (just like all Trump's WH-hires):

The 3rd is the most charitable explanation, but ALL OPTIONS are 100% Disqualifying.

RFK-Jr is as horribly Leftist as Trump on social-policy, but at least he has a functional brain, and stands firm on what he believes. Maybe he will "Pull a Trump" and sell us out, again - but we KNOW Trump will.



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