Friday, May 31, 2024


 Canadian imperialism’s fascist friends—Part 3: The role of the OUN and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the Nazi war on the USSR and the Holocaust

 The History of Nazism in Ukraine: The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 1917-1941
⚡Eineygður ☯ Flakkari⚡
@Nazareno @DrFell

Yeah. There were various OUN groups. the -B stands for "Bandera" (ie. Stepan Bandera). He had an on-again-off-again relationship with the Nazi party, which the OSS/CIA used to their advantage in an effort to fuck with the KGB as much as possible. OUN-B were the more extreme of the bunch, but another worth looking into is OUN-Z who were essentially the international operatives for Ukrainian nationalism. They would go to other nations and infiltrate the government and elite society to lay the groundwork for foreign support of OUN ops. Kinda like Mossad. The UPA is another one which eventually got folded into OUN. They went around Ukraine mainly in the west, massacring Jews in the 100's of thousands and chucking them in mass graves. For instance in Lviv. Those were the folks who got imported to Canada after joining the Waffen SS. It's fucked up and more complicated than I have time for personally. Also all the documentation about Operation Aerodynamic and other related ops which preceded it are now available on CIA's website thanks to FOIA request. It's all searchable, at least the historical stuff. But then there's also MI6, BND, and a bunch more stuff to go over, as they all had various supporting roles. Fucking crazy shit dude!

 @toiletpaper 👍 Jesus Christ. Your OUN-B inspired me. I just pulled up a search page on Yandex. There is going to be a lot. This article particularly caught my attention  I bet a key word search along the lines of "Post WW2 OUN-B fascists" would be even more fruitful. I really dont need another rabbit hole but this is one is very enticing. @DrFell

  Incidentally, the Russian Canadian Congress issued a warning to Canada's Parliamentarians back in 2016 before Parubiy came to visit the Monk School of Global Affairs to give a talk to various OUN supporters (including Freeland). It included a photograph of Parubiy ushering the Maidan snipers from the building following that precipitous massacre.

Also just as with Israeli terrorism, not a partisan issue...

 Here's some backstory you guys might find interesting. Canaduh's been balls deep in this mess since day one, since the gov't here was infiltrated by OUN-B fascists right after WW2. Christia Freeland is our Nuland, and she's one of them. Her grandfather was the chief propagandist for the Nazi party in Ukraine.

This goes into some details about the 2,000 Waffen SS officers who were imported to Canada amidst the 30,000 other pro-fascist UPA/OUN supporters.

Then there's Operation Aerodynamic where the predecessors to the CIA helped shield Bandera and his ilk from KGB manhunts while supplying them with intelligence, training and munitions. Also MI6, BND, etc. This `special military operation` has been a long time coming. Doubtless Russia's hands aren't clean either, but it goes to show that the MSM is hardly being honest about the state of affairs. One also might wonder about the OUN NeoNazis in Ukraine being primarily funded by a Jewish oligarch (Ihor Kolomoyskyi) who owned Burisma and was in bed with the Biden family's oil exploitation efforts throughout the region...

PS. See attached photos of Turdeau and Freeland arm in arm with the leader of the Social Nationalist (aka: NeoNazi) party of Ukraine. So much for not standing with people who wave swastikas...



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