Friday, August 31, 2018


Trump Dossier

The Paris Climate Agreement.

Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s Signature Trade Deal.\

Trump has ‘excellent meeting’ with union bosses who backed Clinton.

Fake News Meme

Deep State Meme


Roy Cohn

Uncle John Trump

Nixon 87

Trump’s ‘8 May metamorphosis’ (the US exit from JCPOA), constituted a step-change of direction: when the US president definitively took the Israeli ‘line’: exiting from the Iranian nuclear accord, deciding to sanction and to lay siege to Iran’s economy, and when he endorsed the (old, never materialized) idea of a Sunni ‘Arab NATO’, led by Riyadh, that would confront Shi’a Iran. transformed into the search for radical US leverage (through weaponising a strong dollar and tariffs)

Sheldon Adelson (a major Trump donor, a patron of Netanyahu, and the instigator for the US embassy move to Jerusalem), consequently has been able to implant his ally, John Bolton (a neocon), as Trump’s chief foreign policy advisor.

US-led UN Command stops South Korean train entering North

Who is powerful enough to render the Clinton Machine and the Bush Dynasty impotent.

Uncle John Trump handled the Tesla papers after Tesla's death.  John Trump was an electrical engineer and protege of Vannevar Bush at MIT.

There was a Trump with the Sonora Flying Club and the NYMZA

 Trump Campaign:
At the rally he said, Obama is the founder of ISIS, he and Hillary founded ISIS.  He supported the jihadist in Libya and Syria and that is what led to the rise of ISIS and because he had pulled the troops out of Iraq there was no one there to stop them when they moved into Iraq.  Trump later dropped the first two parts and and just said that Obama had pulled the troops out of Iraq.

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