Monday, November 5, 2018

The Wounded Healer Shining a Beacon of Light
"Only the wounded healer can truly heal" - Irvin Yalom
The human experience isn't an easy one, and parts of me have questioned if man is inherently evil. The war, the greed, horrific levels of child abuse, animal cruelty and poverty that plague the earth, would indicate so. When I witness this my heart often feels assaulted and broken. How can we treat each other like this? Why is there a Go Fund Me campaign to make the Kardashians into billionaires, while children are being trafficked around the globe on a daily basis? Why are technologies being hidden by companies while they continue to profit from human slavery? The list of how humanity has descended is deep and endless.
In Greek Mythology Chiron was the Archetype of the Wounded Healer 

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