Tuesday, June 18, 2019

LaRouche's "Zionist-British organism"

LaRouche's insanity and paranoia drove him to develop wild Jewish-British conspiracies against him (and the rest of the world) until his last day.
In 1977-78, LaRouche has concocted a new "enemy-image", replacing the old "Rocky" (aka "Rockefeller") enemy from the previous years with the "British" and the "Jews" or the "Anglo-Zionists".
*This was a result of his close collaboration with the extreme-right, anti-Semitic and revisionist Carto's "Liberty Lobby" .
LaRouche wanted to become a champion of "American nationalism". He developed "his" version of American history (a history which according to LaRouche was written by its "enemies", the Anglo-Zionists). For him, the "American revolution" against the British Empire was a war that never ended.
It is, according to him, still being waged by some secret, hidden enemies, working as a "fifth column" on behalf of its British masters: the Jews (aka the "Jewish/Zionist lobby" or the State of Israel.
He will go as far back in History as depicting the Jews as "Babylonian" (from the times of the Babylonian captivity of the Jewish people), as "Babylonian agents" and the Queen of England ("boss" of the "British", Black Guelfs oligarchy etc) as... the "Whore of Babylon"!
So larouchian History (that is History rewritten by fairy-tale teller LaRouche) is here to "explain" that the "Jewish lobby" are nothing but "enemy agents" working on behalf of the... British, to destroy America from within.
Worse, this "enemy" (anglo-zionist) is the same which... put Hitler to power in order to destroy (classical, humanist) Germany and... create zionism and the State of Israel. + the "holocaust hoax" to undermine postwar Germany...
This is why, in LaRouche's mind; Zionism=Nazism, because it was created by the same people: the British and their Jewish financiers! Consequently, Israel is a puppet of... Britain (not the US!) to destabilize the Arab nations the same way Nazism destroyed good classical (and humanist) Germany!
LaRouche doesn't consider himself as pro-Nazi since he is anti-British and Hitler, according to him, was a British agent... therefore he is against Hitler, logical syllogism isn't?
In fact LaRouche has always clearly differentiate between the "good German nationalists" (like the Wehrmacht's) and the Nazis who were, he says, imposed onto these good Germans. Imposed by whom? By the British and Jewish financiers... aka the very same enemies of Hitler's!!!! So, no need for a German "collective guilt". The German people didn't really mean to kill millions of people; it's all the fault of these bloody British and Jews. Even the Jewish Holocaust was a hoax!, says LaRouche. Instead: "take on these Brits and Jews..." who make you feel guilty!
One wonders whether the only reason why LaRouche is against Hitler, is that... he lost the war!

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