Saturday, July 27, 2019
Monday, July 22, 2019
Epstein's Arrest: Rothschild vs Trump
by sarz
"Would it be too much to pray for a day when the Bible gets a 'Book of Trump', much like it has a 'Book of Esther' celebrating the deliverance of the Jews from ancient Persia?" [Miriam] Adelson asked. (Jerusalem Post)
While some who should know better, such as Philip Weiss, have taken the chief influence of the Adelsons over Trump to be the power of the shekel, probably Trump's main driver is his urge to be a Jewish hero of biblical proportions. The Adelsons have not bought him. They revere him. Heritage Americans, the Deplorables, are not even on the page.
by sarz
From the editor: Given the potential for blackmail of prominent Americans who flew on the 'Lolita Express', this case may have foreign policy implications.Rothschild vs Trump. Will the new entry in the updated Jewish bible be Book of Trump or Book of Rothschild? The Adelsons are praying for the Book of Trump.

While some who should know better, such as Philip Weiss, have taken the chief influence of the Adelsons over Trump to be the power of the shekel, probably Trump's main driver is his urge to be a Jewish hero of biblical proportions. The Adelsons have not bought him. They revere him. Heritage Americans, the Deplorables, are not even on the page.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Was the Confederacy a Tool of International Finance? Part 1
Part 1 of 3
Part 1 of 3
“The Secession-War arose on the issue of
whether the Southern states, comprising a unit based on an
aristocratic-traditional life-feeling, with an economic basis of
muscle-energy, could secede from the union, which had been captured by
the Yankee element. The Yankee territory was organized on a financial-industrial basis, with an economic basis of machine-energy . . .
MENAAnglo 5Headline NewsIran Israeli & Christian Zionists Eye up War on Iran: A Conundrum Of Evil
The Israeli Zionists and Christian Zionists have both; common and opposed motivations for war with Iran. The Israelis well know the Christians fully intend all Jews will either convert or die at the Battle of Armageddon according to their perverted theology but meanwhile the two sleep together, the Israelis self-destructively milking the USA war machine to realize the Yinon Plan (Greater Israel in a ‘Balkanized’ Middle East) while the Christian ‘Dominionists’ ‘prayerfully’ support these endeavors in pursuit of what will amount to Götterdämmerung for both.
The Israeli Zionists and Christian Zionists have both; common and opposed motivations for war with Iran. The Israelis well know the Christians fully intend all Jews will either convert or die at the Battle of Armageddon according to their perverted theology but meanwhile the two sleep together, the Israelis self-destructively milking the USA war machine to realize the Yinon Plan (Greater Israel in a ‘Balkanized’ Middle East) while the Christian ‘Dominionists’ ‘prayerfully’ support these endeavors in pursuit of what will amount to Götterdämmerung for both.
Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundaries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.
Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundaries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Trump Outreach: Pandering to Christian Zionism, “Preparing the Nation for An Inevitable War”?
By Philip Giraldi
Christian Zionism is not a religion per se, but rather a set of beliefs based on interpretations of specific parts of the Bible – notably the book of Revelations and parts of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah – that has made the return of the Jews to the Holy Land a precondition for the Second Coming of Christ. The belief that Israel is essential to the process has led to the fusion of Christianity with Zionism, hence the name of the movement. The political significance of this viewpoint is enormous, meaning that a large block of Christians promotes and votes for a non-reality based foreign policy based on a controversial interpretation of the Bible that it embraces with considerable passion.
It would be a mistake to dismiss CUFI as just another group of bible-thumpers whose brains have long since ceased to function when the subject is Israel. It claims to have seven million members and it serves as a mechanism for uniting evangelicals around the issue of Israel. Given its numbers alone and concentration is certain states, it therefore constitutes a formidable voting bloc that can be counted on to cast its ballots nearly 100% Republican, as long as the Republican in question is reliably pro-Israel. Beyond that, there are an estimated 60 million evangelical voters throughout the country and they will likely follow the lead of groups like CUFI and vote reflecting their religious beliefs, to include Trump’s highly visible support for the Jewish state.
By Philip Giraldi
Christian Zionism is not a religion per se, but rather a set of beliefs based on interpretations of specific parts of the Bible – notably the book of Revelations and parts of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah – that has made the return of the Jews to the Holy Land a precondition for the Second Coming of Christ. The belief that Israel is essential to the process has led to the fusion of Christianity with Zionism, hence the name of the movement. The political significance of this viewpoint is enormous, meaning that a large block of Christians promotes and votes for a non-reality based foreign policy based on a controversial interpretation of the Bible that it embraces with considerable passion.
It would be a mistake to dismiss CUFI as just another group of bible-thumpers whose brains have long since ceased to function when the subject is Israel. It claims to have seven million members and it serves as a mechanism for uniting evangelicals around the issue of Israel. Given its numbers alone and concentration is certain states, it therefore constitutes a formidable voting bloc that can be counted on to cast its ballots nearly 100% Republican, as long as the Republican in question is reliably pro-Israel. Beyond that, there are an estimated 60 million evangelical voters throughout the country and they will likely follow the lead of groups like CUFI and vote reflecting their religious beliefs, to include Trump’s highly visible support for the Jewish state.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
BEST SCIENCE - REAL Purpose of Chemtrails, Ozone Layer Destroyed Convert & Download
This is the MOST IMPORTANT video on the subject of Chemtrails and Ionospheric Heaters. This is cutting edge research, and has only been seen inside top secret briefings, to US Navy and Air Force brass. Finally, we understand why metal particles are coming from jet exhaust (milky white sky, no more blue, high UV, everything dying). This is an amazing discovery, and a MUST WATCH for everyone who wants to save our planet. PLEASE SHARE! Summary: Before the jet age, the lowest layer of the Ionosphere, the D region, didn't exist, or it was too weak to measure. After jets started flying in the 60's, enough metal nano-particles had migrated into the stratosphere, to strengthen the D layer. After experimenting with the Gakona, Alaska, HAARP facility for 10 years, the US Pentagon realized they could use the D layer to weaponize the Ionosphere, but only if it was further strengthened. In 2005 the first SBX megawatt navy platform was tested in the Gulf, and triggered the formation of Hurricane Katrina. Since 2005, new jet airliner sprays have been created to put the special nano-particle metals into the stratosphere, so SBX, Aegis, (even Nexrad), can heat the D layer, and steer the jetstream, especially over the Pacific ocean. In the late 2000's, coal ash was sprayed from special military tanker planes, but my video "Chemtrails are Coal Ash" caused them to move to a better technology, where the nano-metals are added to jet fuel, releasing the particles with the jet exhaust. These metal particles do not harm the engine, and they improve the fuel efficiency, so OF COURSE they are in the jet fuel. Strong winds at the top of the troposphere (at the 2 PVU surface) loft these nano-particles into the stratosphere, where they are heated by the sun, and rise into the D region of the Ionosphere. This video proves the D layer cannot exist without the metal nano-particles. So, chemtrails (Solar Radiation Management) has two main purposes: 1) slow down heating of the LAND and AIR to hide the danger; 2) strengthen the D layer of the ionsphere, so it can be used as a weather weapon, ALL OVER THE WORLD. Sadly, the aluminum that IS contained in jet fuel additives, is causing extreme health problems for all living organisms, and gets worse everyday. This video explains why certain metals are sprayed from jets, and other metals are not. This video explains how the ozone layer is being destroyed by this classified military program. All of this is solid science, not opinion, or political punditry. If you think these disclosures are critical for our survival, please donate so I can continue this VERY time consuming research - Thank you for your support!
This is the MOST IMPORTANT video on the subject of Chemtrails and Ionospheric Heaters. This is cutting edge research, and has only been seen inside top secret briefings, to US Navy and Air Force brass. Finally, we understand why metal particles are coming from jet exhaust (milky white sky, no more blue, high UV, everything dying). This is an amazing discovery, and a MUST WATCH for everyone who wants to save our planet. PLEASE SHARE! Summary: Before the jet age, the lowest layer of the Ionosphere, the D region, didn't exist, or it was too weak to measure. After jets started flying in the 60's, enough metal nano-particles had migrated into the stratosphere, to strengthen the D layer. After experimenting with the Gakona, Alaska, HAARP facility for 10 years, the US Pentagon realized they could use the D layer to weaponize the Ionosphere, but only if it was further strengthened. In 2005 the first SBX megawatt navy platform was tested in the Gulf, and triggered the formation of Hurricane Katrina. Since 2005, new jet airliner sprays have been created to put the special nano-particle metals into the stratosphere, so SBX, Aegis, (even Nexrad), can heat the D layer, and steer the jetstream, especially over the Pacific ocean. In the late 2000's, coal ash was sprayed from special military tanker planes, but my video "Chemtrails are Coal Ash" caused them to move to a better technology, where the nano-metals are added to jet fuel, releasing the particles with the jet exhaust. These metal particles do not harm the engine, and they improve the fuel efficiency, so OF COURSE they are in the jet fuel. Strong winds at the top of the troposphere (at the 2 PVU surface) loft these nano-particles into the stratosphere, where they are heated by the sun, and rise into the D region of the Ionosphere. This video proves the D layer cannot exist without the metal nano-particles. So, chemtrails (Solar Radiation Management) has two main purposes: 1) slow down heating of the LAND and AIR to hide the danger; 2) strengthen the D layer of the ionsphere, so it can be used as a weather weapon, ALL OVER THE WORLD. Sadly, the aluminum that IS contained in jet fuel additives, is causing extreme health problems for all living organisms, and gets worse everyday. This video explains why certain metals are sprayed from jets, and other metals are not. This video explains how the ozone layer is being destroyed by this classified military program. All of this is solid science, not opinion, or political punditry. If you think these disclosures are critical for our survival, please donate so I can continue this VERY time consuming research - Thank you for your support!
OVERLORD: The Unnecessary Invasion
OVERLORD. Normandy. D-Day. June 6, 1944. The Longest Day. The event has been referred to as "The Mighty Endeavor," "The Great Crusade," "Much the greatest thing we have ever attempted," and other equally extravagant titles. Whatever the nomenclature, it commonly evokes the image of decisive victory -- a do-or-die operation upon which hung the outcome of World War II In Europe. The common perception that D-Day, OVERLORD, was necessary, even vital, for victory against Hitler has influenced policy decisions regarding the nature, size, composition, and missions of American armed forces from the end of World II to the present.
The purpose of this paper is to point out that this perception of OVERLORD is in all likelihood based upon an illusion - a myth. Americans typically believe that Nazi Germany was defeated during World War II by American fighting forces, and that It was primarily the skill and dedication of the American fighting man, the civilian-soldier, which proved decisive in this conflict. Typical Americans also believe that combined US and British forces were primarily responsible for destroying the German Army in 1944 and 1945 after the succesful amphibious landing on the coast of Normandy. The exploits of Generals Eisenhower, Patton and Montgomery as they swept across France and into Germany following the breakout from Normandy have become the stuff of legend, as well as the subject of numerous books and movies.
The purpose of this paper is to point out that this perception of OVERLORD is in all likelihood based upon an illusion - a myth. Americans typically believe that Nazi Germany was defeated during World War II by American fighting forces, and that It was primarily the skill and dedication of the American fighting man, the civilian-soldier, which proved decisive in this conflict. Typical Americans also believe that combined US and British forces were primarily responsible for destroying the German Army in 1944 and 1945 after the succesful amphibious landing on the coast of Normandy. The exploits of Generals Eisenhower, Patton and Montgomery as they swept across France and into Germany following the breakout from Normandy have become the stuff of legend, as well as the subject of numerous books and movies.
Donald Gay Trump Convert & Download
Donald's South Carolina victory speech. No words were changed.
Use Your Mind To Change Reality: It Is Easier Than You Think – Albert Einstein once said that “reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”.
It seems difficult to imagine that our most happy, sad and emotional moments in life are simply nothing more than an illusion created in our minds.
Even more surprising is the suggestion that everyone can create the reality they choose. How is it possible?
The power of thoughts is perhaps stronger than most people realize. Scientists’ interest in the subject is increasing and quantum physics is rapidly gaining popularity among non-physicists.
Quantum physics study of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic levels. – Albert Einstein once said that “reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”.
It seems difficult to imagine that our most happy, sad and emotional moments in life are simply nothing more than an illusion created in our minds.
Even more surprising is the suggestion that everyone can create the reality they choose. How is it possible?
The power of thoughts is perhaps stronger than most people realize. Scientists’ interest in the subject is increasing and quantum physics is rapidly gaining popularity among non-physicists.
Quantum physics study of the behavior of matter and energy at the molecular, atomic, nuclear, and even smaller microscopic levels.
Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.
For Every Outside Effect There is an Inner Cause: Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Put another way, the conditions and circumstances of your life are as a result of your collective thoughts and beliefs. James Allen said it best when he said "circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him". Every aspect of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing your thoughts and your beliefs.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Epstein & The Explosive Crisis Of The Deep State
Here's my outsider's take: the anti-Neocon camp within the Deep State observed the test case of Harvey Weinstein and saw an opportunity to apply what it learned. If we draw circles representing the anti-Neocon camp and the moralists who grasp the state's legitimacy is hanging by a thread after decades of amoral exploitation and self-aggrandizement by the ruling elites, we would find a large overlap.
But even die-hard Neocons are starting to awaken to the danger to their power posed by the moral collapse of the ruling elites. They are finally awakening to the lesson of history, that the fatal danger to empires arises not from external foes but from inside the center of power as elite corruption erodes the legitimacy of the state.
The upstarts in the Deep State have united to declare open war on the degenerates and their enablers, who are everywhere in the Deep State: the media, the intelligence community, and on and on.
Since the battle is for the legitimacy of the state, it must be waged at least partially in the open. This is a war for the hearts and minds of the public, whose belief in the legitimacy of the state and its ruling elites underpins the power of the Deep State.
Here's my outsider's take: the anti-Neocon camp within the Deep State observed the test case of Harvey Weinstein and saw an opportunity to apply what it learned. If we draw circles representing the anti-Neocon camp and the moralists who grasp the state's legitimacy is hanging by a thread after decades of amoral exploitation and self-aggrandizement by the ruling elites, we would find a large overlap.
But even die-hard Neocons are starting to awaken to the danger to their power posed by the moral collapse of the ruling elites. They are finally awakening to the lesson of history, that the fatal danger to empires arises not from external foes but from inside the center of power as elite corruption erodes the legitimacy of the state.
The upstarts in the Deep State have united to declare open war on the degenerates and their enablers, who are everywhere in the Deep State: the media, the intelligence community, and on and on.
Since the battle is for the legitimacy of the state, it must be waged at least partially in the open. This is a war for the hearts and minds of the public, whose belief in the legitimacy of the state and its ruling elites underpins the power of the Deep State.
TTSA - a new filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
On 12 July 2019, the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA for short) undertook a further filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. As with all these filings, there are always a few new pieces of information.
In this filing, which is an offering circular dated 12 July 2019, we learn:
"We currently work with and intend to employ additional lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics like Beamed -Energy Propulsion, Space-Time Metrics Engineering and warp drive metrics."
My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that TTSA have mentioned their intention to employ additional engineering staff.
"On September 27, 2017, the company announced an offering pursuant to...raising $1,370,230 before closing on September 28, 2018..."
My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that a figure has been shown, for how much was raised by the first stock offering.
Offering circular
On 12 July 2019, the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA for short) undertook a further filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. As with all these filings, there are always a few new pieces of information.
In this filing, which is an offering circular dated 12 July 2019, we learn:
"We currently work with and intend to employ additional lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics like Beamed -Energy Propulsion, Space-Time Metrics Engineering and warp drive metrics."
My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that TTSA have mentioned their intention to employ additional engineering staff.
"On September 27, 2017, the company announced an offering pursuant to...raising $1,370,230 before closing on September 28, 2018..."
My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that a figure has been shown, for how much was raised by the first stock offering.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
The Clinton Presidency: Eight Years of Peace, Progress and Prosperity
November 12 Financial Modernization Legislation Enacted
President Clinton signed the Financial Modernization Act into law, finally revamping a banking system that had been in place since the Great Depression. The new law will increase innovation and competition in the financial services industry, including traditional banking, insurance and securities industries, giving consumers greater choice and lower prices. The President insisted that the new regulatory structure permit banking institutions to expand into these newly authorized lines of business only if they satisfactorily serve the credit needs of their communities, and that the law include many of the consumer privacy provisions he proposed. (PL 106-102, signed 11/12/99)
November 12 Financial Modernization Legislation Enacted
President Clinton signed the Financial Modernization Act into law, finally revamping a banking system that had been in place since the Great Depression. The new law will increase innovation and competition in the financial services industry, including traditional banking, insurance and securities industries, giving consumers greater choice and lower prices. The President insisted that the new regulatory structure permit banking institutions to expand into these newly authorized lines of business only if they satisfactorily serve the credit needs of their communities, and that the law include many of the consumer privacy provisions he proposed. (PL 106-102, signed 11/12/99)
The Untold Story of Christian Zionim's Rise to Power in the United States
Among the first advocates for the physical immigration of European Jews to Palestine were the Puritans, an offshoot of Christian Protestantism that emerged in the late 16th century and became influential in England and, later, in the American colonies. Influential Puritans devoted considerable interest to the role of Jews in eschatology, or end-times theology, with many — such as John Owen, a 17th-century theologian, member of parliament, and administrator at Oxford — believing that the physical return of Jews to Palestine was necessary for the fulfillment of end-time prophecy.
These Puritan beliefs, which persist today and have only grown in popularity, became more entrenched in England and colonial America with time, especially among the monied political class, and led to a variety of interpretations regarding exactly what the Bible says about the end times. Among the most influential was the development of Christian “dispensationalism,” an interpretive framework that uses the Bible to divide history into different periods of “dispensations” and sees the Bible’s prophetic references to “Israel” as signifying an ethnically Jewish nation established in Palestine.
Puritans, Prophecy and Palestine
Accounts of the role of European and North American Christians in the creation of the state of Israel often begin with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, but the efforts of certain Christian groups in England and the United States to create a Jewish state in Palestine actually date back centuries earlier and significantly predate Zionism’s official founding by Theodore Herzl.Among the first advocates for the physical immigration of European Jews to Palestine were the Puritans, an offshoot of Christian Protestantism that emerged in the late 16th century and became influential in England and, later, in the American colonies. Influential Puritans devoted considerable interest to the role of Jews in eschatology, or end-times theology, with many — such as John Owen, a 17th-century theologian, member of parliament, and administrator at Oxford — believing that the physical return of Jews to Palestine was necessary for the fulfillment of end-time prophecy.
These Puritan beliefs, which persist today and have only grown in popularity, became more entrenched in England and colonial America with time, especially among the monied political class, and led to a variety of interpretations regarding exactly what the Bible says about the end times. Among the most influential was the development of Christian “dispensationalism,” an interpretive framework that uses the Bible to divide history into different periods of “dispensations” and sees the Bible’s prophetic references to “Israel” as signifying an ethnically Jewish nation established in Palestine.
Epstein's Arrest: Rothschild vs Trump
Rothschild vs Trump. Will the new entry in the updated Jewish bible be Book of Trump or Book of Rothschild? The Adelsons are praying for the Book of Trump.
It makes one's understanding of Trump much less of a puzzle if one sees him as a crypto-Jew and, by means of that disguise, a very big big-shot of the Jews -- like his father, Frederick CHRIST Trump Sr. The evidence in brief: Frederick Christ Trump Jr, Donald's elder brother who drank himself to death at an early age, joined a Jewish fraternity at Lehigh University, Sigma Alpha Mu, and told his fellow Sammies that, despite the name, his father was actually a German Jew. Some of those Sammies told the New York Times about it, as we learn from its background report on the new president concerning his late brother. Wikipedia mentions that the father, despite his seeming gentileness was widely taken to be a Jew because of his large benefactions to Jewish religious education in Israel and his wide support of Jewish charities. Both husband and wife died in Jewish nursing homes. This sounds like a would-be macher (yiddish for big mover and shaker) crypto-Jew. To what end? Some sort of service to Jews that would be better done in goy-guise. Such as heading a manifestly anti-Jewish organization, such as the KKK, as seversl other crypto-Jews have done. During the campaign an NYT clipping from the 20s surfaced for a day, and was then quickly dropped by the supposedly hostile Jewish-controlled media. Frederick Trump, the head of the Bayside KKK, had been arrested in a riot. So dedicated a Jew would marry a Jew or have her convert (as did Lord Rothschild's mother). The Trump family documentation has been fiddled with, as one would expect from the "Christ" middle name. Trump's mother's records have been so muddied that some accounts lead to the inference that she was her own mother. Two of Trump's wives and possibly all three are Jews. Four of
Rothschild vs Trump. Will the new entry in the updated Jewish bible be Book of Trump or Book of Rothschild? The Adelsons are praying for the Book of Trump.
"Would it be too much to pray for a day when the Bible gets a 'Book of Trump', much like it has a 'Book of Esther' celebrating the deliverance of the Jews from ancient Persia?" [Miriam] Adelson asked. (Jerusalem Post)

The Eighth Sphere
"The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves, and have again and again to suffer disillusionment." [1]
The preceding is one of the most general statements I've ever read by Steiner about the goals of Lucifer and Ahriman. In previous essays, I have concentrated on a few of the approaches they use to sidetrack our evolution, but I didn't go into much detail on their intended destination. That is the subject of this essay.
"The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves, and have again and again to suffer disillusionment." [1]
The preceding is one of the most general statements I've ever read by Steiner about the goals of Lucifer and Ahriman. In previous essays, I have concentrated on a few of the approaches they use to sidetrack our evolution, but I didn't go into much detail on their intended destination. That is the subject of this essay.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Jeffrey Epstein and Mad Scientists Convert & Download
Watching Porn Produces as Much Carbon Dioxide Emissions as Whole Countries – Research
Furthermore, online videos – one of the most common forms of online entertainment – are said to generate 60 per cent of world data traffic, based on 2018 estimates.
Furthermore, online videos – one of the most common forms of online entertainment – are said to generate 60 per cent of world data traffic, based on 2018 estimates.
In other words, it means that they account for 300 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year (resulting from energy consumption), with porn ‘emitting’ just under 100 million tonnes – nearly as much as Belgium and Kuwait.
The authors point out that “viewing pornographic videos in the world in 2018 generated carbon emissions of the same magnitude as that of the residential sector in France”.
The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization
The "deep state" is governed by a Type II ET civilization, which is governed by extradimensional or hyperdimensional entities which represent an involutionary or satanic force using etheric and astral technology they employ with the use of their consciousness.
This form of enslavement fashions a pyramidal, multi-tiered power structure of master/slave or predator/prey.
This is not at all dissimilar from the Law of One (Ra material) discussing the Orion Group and the 5th density black magicians at the apex of the "service to self" power structure.
There is a bigger master. That's the reason the elites are so desperate and terrified, all the time, for no apparent reason.
Some slides from one of Mark Passio's more recent episodes (#214) explaining the ideologies and mechanics behind what we consider "satanic" or modern day Satanism. It should be noted, however, that while most Satanists do not necessarily worship the deity known as Satan, there are certainly dark occult forces which exist above the ruling elite class here on Earth, essentially providing the knowledge necessary for the ruling elite to enslave the masses below them. This form of enslavement fashions a pyramidal, multi-tiered power structure of master/slave or predator/prey. Mark even goes so far as to say in this episode that the elite are governed by a Type II ET civilization, and this civilization is, in turn, governed by extradimensional or hyperdimensional entities which represent this involutionary or satanic force. This is not at all dissimilar from the Law of One (Ra material) discussing the Orion Group and the 5th density black magicians at the apex of the "service to self" power structure.
Type II’s? Makes sense, I keep thinking that there’s probably
Yeah Type II according to the Kardashev scale which basically means technologically advanced enough to span multiple solar/stellar systems.
Very true, sometimes technology for advanced ET's isn't always visible in the physical. The more spiritually evolved ET's out there have etheric and astral technology they employ with the use of their consciousness. One could even say that magick is a form of etheric/astral technology. As for your previous question about what type of aliens they could be, many throw around the term Draco Reptilian, which could be 3rd-4th density, but its important to remember that their can be ET races of mixed polarity, not all nordic types are the same just like not all reptilian types are the same, its more important to glean their actions/behavior rather than their appearance.
The point of this is to increase the pressure on Trump to agree to the demands regarding Iran/Syria, nobody important will end up in trouble (maybe some lesser degenerate will have to take the fall, just for appearances sake, and Epstein will probably get a few years, maybe on the 'child porn' that was his blackmail stash). The warmongers really have nobody better than Trump to replace him, so it will be interesting to see if Trump, still wanting to be reelected, calls their bluff, and continues to refuse them WWIII.
Its in your face. I think they do this just to prove to themselves how hopelessly powerless we really are.
The "deep state" is governed by a Type II ET civilization, which is governed by extradimensional or hyperdimensional entities which represent an involutionary or satanic force using etheric and astral technology they employ with the use of their consciousness.
This form of enslavement fashions a pyramidal, multi-tiered power structure of master/slave or predator/prey.
This is not at all dissimilar from the Law of One (Ra material) discussing the Orion Group and the 5th density black magicians at the apex of the "service to self" power structure.
There is a bigger master. That's the reason the elites are so desperate and terrified, all the time, for no apparent reason.
Some slides from one of Mark Passio's more recent episodes (#214) explaining the ideologies and mechanics behind what we consider "satanic" or modern day Satanism. It should be noted, however, that while most Satanists do not necessarily worship the deity known as Satan, there are certainly dark occult forces which exist above the ruling elite class here on Earth, essentially providing the knowledge necessary for the ruling elite to enslave the masses below them. This form of enslavement fashions a pyramidal, multi-tiered power structure of master/slave or predator/prey. Mark even goes so far as to say in this episode that the elite are governed by a Type II ET civilization, and this civilization is, in turn, governed by extradimensional or hyperdimensional entities which represent this involutionary or satanic force. This is not at all dissimilar from the Law of One (Ra material) discussing the Orion Group and the 5th density black magicians at the apex of the "service to self" power structure.
Type II’s? Makes sense, I keep thinking that there’s probably
Yeah Type II according to the Kardashev scale which basically means technologically advanced enough to span multiple solar/stellar systems.
Very true, sometimes technology for advanced ET's isn't always visible in the physical. The more spiritually evolved ET's out there have etheric and astral technology they employ with the use of their consciousness. One could even say that magick is a form of etheric/astral technology. As for your previous question about what type of aliens they could be, many throw around the term Draco Reptilian, which could be 3rd-4th density, but its important to remember that their can be ET races of mixed polarity, not all nordic types are the same just like not all reptilian types are the same, its more important to glean their actions/behavior rather than their appearance.
The point of this is to increase the pressure on Trump to agree to the demands regarding Iran/Syria, nobody important will end up in trouble (maybe some lesser degenerate will have to take the fall, just for appearances sake, and Epstein will probably get a few years, maybe on the 'child porn' that was his blackmail stash). The warmongers really have nobody better than Trump to replace him, so it will be interesting to see if Trump, still wanting to be reelected, calls their bluff, and continues to refuse them WWIII.
Its in your face. I think they do this just to prove to themselves how hopelessly powerless we really are.
Former Lover Exposes Eric Schmidt
The following is a transcript of an interview with a Google/Facebook/DARPA insider that was conducted with a member of the Anonymous Patriots, a citizen journalist group aligned with the American Intelligence Media. The person interviewed wishes to remain anonymous and for purposes of the interview will be called Jane Doe. This conversation took place on July 1st, 2019.
ANONYMOUS PATRIOT (PATRIOT): Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Perhaps we could start with why you decided to have this conversation and why now.
JANE DOE: I decided to contact your group after a friend of mine sent me a recent exposé on Mark Zuckerberg that you did. I thought it was timely, honest, and was pertinent to the crisis we are in concerning Eric Schmidt’s total sell out to China through advanced technology stolen from Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and other digital platforms that have come to aggressively control all Chinese. I believe Eric’s evil program, Dragonfly, has already been implemented in America.
The following is a transcript of an interview with a Google/Facebook/DARPA insider that was conducted with a member of the Anonymous Patriots, a citizen journalist group aligned with the American Intelligence Media. The person interviewed wishes to remain anonymous and for purposes of the interview will be called Jane Doe. This conversation took place on July 1st, 2019.
ANONYMOUS PATRIOT (PATRIOT): Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Perhaps we could start with why you decided to have this conversation and why now.
JANE DOE: I decided to contact your group after a friend of mine sent me a recent exposé on Mark Zuckerberg that you did. I thought it was timely, honest, and was pertinent to the crisis we are in concerning Eric Schmidt’s total sell out to China through advanced technology stolen from Google, Facebook, WhatsApp and other digital platforms that have come to aggressively control all Chinese. I believe Eric’s evil program, Dragonfly, has already been implemented in America.
Friday, July 12, 2019
A READER'S JOURNAL The Influences of Lucifer & Ahriman, GA# 19
Rudolf Steiner
Five Lectures given in Bern and Dornach 1919
Published by Anthroposophic Press in 1993
A Book Review by Bobby Matherne ©1998
In Christian theology the forces of Christ are set against the forces of the devil who represents in one figure all that is evil, and one is exhorted to abjure all that is of the devil. This might lead one to wonder, "How is the knowledge of good and evil bad? Isn't that what the devil in the Garden of Eden wanted to share with Adam and Eve?"
Steiner divides the devil into two beings, Lucifer and Ahriman, and shows us how neither is bad per se, each provides gifts to human beings that further our evolution, and that it is us who must learn to balance these gifts in our individual lives. His recommendation for a solution to the problem of the devil is to transcend the tendency towards either Luciferic frenzy or Ahrimanic tedium by creating a spirit-filled synthesis of the two in our lives from now on.
Rudolf Steiner
Five Lectures given in Bern and Dornach 1919
A Book Review by Bobby Matherne ©1998
In Christian theology the forces of Christ are set against the forces of the devil who represents in one figure all that is evil, and one is exhorted to abjure all that is of the devil. This might lead one to wonder, "How is the knowledge of good and evil bad? Isn't that what the devil in the Garden of Eden wanted to share with Adam and Eve?"
Steiner divides the devil into two beings, Lucifer and Ahriman, and shows us how neither is bad per se, each provides gifts to human beings that further our evolution, and that it is us who must learn to balance these gifts in our individual lives. His recommendation for a solution to the problem of the devil is to transcend the tendency towards either Luciferic frenzy or Ahrimanic tedium by creating a spirit-filled synthesis of the two in our lives from now on.
frenzy, hyperactivity
tedium, boredom
unification, generalization
diversity, particularization
one language
many languages
gnosis, speaking and thinking
statistics, proof, literal Gospel reading
fantasy, illusion, superstition
concrete sensory-based, materialism
spirit-permeated cosmology
mathematical astronomy
eating & drinking w/o spirituality
un-read knowledge stored in libraries
unified vision [United Nations]
individual vision [Chauvinism]
flexibility, airy
solidification, granite-like
the high flight of Icarus
the humility of Francis Bacon
pagan wisdom
technological advances
Luciferic Traits, Attributes
Ahrimanic Traits, Attributes
Ahriman: Occult Annihilation of the Soul
“The time of decision is around the end of the Twentieth Century when we will eitherstand at the grave of civilization in a War of All against All or turn toward a spiritualized culture.”
Rudolf Steiner GA 240
We live in grave times. Reading the news headlines on any particular day, one can easily feel overwhelmed with the impending collapse of cultures, countries, financial markets, common decency, law and order, education, and spiritual and moral impulses. One crisis after another, whether real or false flags, are used to chisel away our personal freedoms and liberties, leading us into an Orwellian world of global governance and the complete annihilation of all that is divine in the world. We hold on to threadbare strands of hope, praying for mercy and divine intervention in a global quagmire that seems unsolvable.
The Eighth Sphere: Lucifer's Dream, Earth's Dump
"Beside these there is an Eighth Sphere to which everything goes that cannot make any connection with this continuous evolution.... When a human being uses the life on earth only to amass what is of service to himself alone, only to experience an intensification of his own egotistical self [black magic is the ultimate ego trip], this leads in Devachan [Heaven] into the condition of Avitchi. A person who cannot escape from his own separateness goes into Avitchi. All these Avitchi men will eventually become inhabitants of the Eighth Sphere. The other human beings will be inhabitants of the continuing chain of evolution. It is from this concept that religions have formulated the doctrine of hell." [1]
"The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves, and have again and again to suffer disillusionment." [2]
"Beside these there is an Eighth Sphere to which everything goes that cannot make any connection with this continuous evolution.... When a human being uses the life on earth only to amass what is of service to himself alone, only to experience an intensification of his own egotistical self [black magic is the ultimate ego trip], this leads in Devachan [Heaven] into the condition of Avitchi. A person who cannot escape from his own separateness goes into Avitchi. All these Avitchi men will eventually become inhabitants of the Eighth Sphere. The other human beings will be inhabitants of the continuing chain of evolution. It is from this concept that religions have formulated the doctrine of hell." [1]
"The destiny of Ahriman and Lucifer is that they work with their forces in earth evolution and repeatedly make the greatest efforts to hold back the wider progress of evolution; they try to establish a realm for themselves, and have again and again to suffer disillusionment." [2]
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
DSA/Jacobin/Haymarket-sponsored ‘Socialism’ conference features US gov-funded regime-change activists
Socialism is now apparently brought to you by the US State Department.
From July 4 to 7, thousands of left-wing activists from across the United States are gathering in Chicago for the 2019 Socialism Conference.
At this event, some of the most powerful institutions on the American socialist — but avowedly anti-communist — left have
The 2019 Socialism Conference, sponsored by American leftist juggernauts the DSA, Jacobin magazine, and ISO’s Haymarket Books, features regime-change activists from multiple US government-funded NGOs.
By Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal
Socialism is now apparently brought to you by the US State Department.
From July 4 to 7, thousands of left-wing activists from across the United States are gathering in Chicago for the 2019 Socialism Conference.
At this event, some of the most powerful institutions on the American socialist — but avowedly anti-communist — left have
The World Bank and IMF 2019
I’m Bonnie Faulkner. Today on Guns and Butter: Dr. Michael Hudson. Today’s show: The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness. Dr. Hudson is a financial economist and historian. He is President of the Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. His m
I’m Bonnie Faulkner. Today on Guns and Butter: Dr. Michael Hudson. Today’s show: The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness. Dr. Hudson is a financial economist and historian. He is President of the Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trend, a Wall Street Financial Analyst, and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. His m
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Please log in with your Justia account to see this address.Friday, July 5, 2019
Alternatives to Google Products – the Complete List (2019)
his guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for documenting alternatives to Google products. It has become one of the most popular guides on Restore Privacy and is regularly updated with new information. – June 2019 update
With growing concerns over online privacy and securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to Google products.
After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy. More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to grow.
But the word is getting out. A growing number of people are seeking alternatives to Google products that respect their privacy and data.
his guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for documenting alternatives to Google products. It has become one of the most popular guides on Restore Privacy and is regularly updated with new information. – June 2019 update
With growing concerns over online privacy and securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to Google products.
After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy. More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to grow.
But the word is getting out. A growing number of people are seeking alternatives to Google products that respect their privacy and data.
A Gnostic Catechism - John Lamb Lash
Occult Instruction
For a first-hand look at the testimony, let's consider a passage from The First Apocalypse of James (NHC V, 3), a revelation dialogue in which an unnamed teacher (the "Lord" or "Master") confers secret knowledge upon a Gnostic named James:
Ideological Virus
In another passage of The First Apocalypse of James, the Master refers to those people "who exist as the type of the Archons" (30: 20).
Defending Humanity
What are we to make, then, of Gnostic beliefs about the Archons?
Here and there the Coptic Gnostic materials contain passages that describe encounters with the ET-like beings, sometimes with explicit advice about how to handle these entities.
What beliefs are implied in such testimony? And what are we to believe about such testimony?
I will attempt to address both these questions in this brief topical essay.
Occult Instruction
For a first-hand look at the testimony, let's consider a passage from The First Apocalypse of James (NHC V, 3), a revelation dialogue in which an unnamed teacher (the "Lord" or "Master") confers secret knowledge upon a Gnostic named James:
The Master said:James, behold, I shall reveal to you the path of your redemption. Whenever you are seized and you undergo death-pangs (mortal fear), a multitude of Archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you. And in particular, three of them will seize you, those who pose as toll collectors.Not only do they demand toll, but they take away souls by theft.
Now, when you come under their power, one of them who is the overseer will say to you: "Who are you, and where are you from?" You are then to say to him, "I am a child of humanity and I am from the Source." He will then say to you, "What sort of child are you, and to what Source do you belong?" You are to say to him, "I am from the pre-existent Source, and I am the offspring of the Source." Then he will say to you, "Why were you sent out from the Source?" Then you are to say to him, "I came from the Pre-existent One so that I might behold those of my kind and those who are alien." And he will say to you, "What are these alien beings?" You are to say to him: "They are not entirely alien, for they are from the Fallen Sophia (Achamoth), the female divinity who produced them when she brought the human race down from the Source, the realm of the Pre-Existent One. So they are not entirely alien, but they are our kin. They are indeed so because she who is their matrix, Sophia Achamoth, is from the Source. At the same time they are alien because Sophia did not combine with her like in the Source (her divine male counterpart), when she produced them." When he also says to you, "Where will you go now?" You are to say to him, "To the place when I came, the Source, there shall I return." And if you respond in this manner, you will escape their attacks.(NHC V, 3. 33 - 34: 1- 25. Translation from NHLE 1990, pp. 265-6 and Kurt Rudolf, Gnosis, p. 174-5.)
Considerable information is packed into this exchange.
The resemblance to contemporary reports of close encounters is undeniable: the Archons induce a state of mortal panic, they often appear in threes, they perform abductions ("take away souls by theft"). These details present a striking match to contemporary ET/UFO lore.
But in an equally striking departure from the current literature, the Gnostic teacher gives explicit instructions on how to face the alien entities.
The vast amount of testimony on the ET/UFO phenomenon available today presents almost nothing on defense against alien intrusion. Contactees and abductees are passive witnessed, overwhelmed and overpowered by the aliens. But Gnostic writings not only describe such encounters, they also prescribe defensive action.
The Master offers cogent counsel for keeping the Archons in their place.
Gnosis is a remembering of our origins. The student is instructed to remember the cosmic birthright of humankind, and to affirm its direct link to the Pleroma, the Source. Specifically, the student is taught to recall and repeat the key episode in Gnostic mythology, the fall of the Aeon Sophia, and thus effectuate a defense against the Archons.
Gnosis is a remembering of our origins. The student is instructed to remember the cosmic birthright of humankind, and to affirm its direct link to the Pleroma, the Source. Specifically, the student is taught to recall and repeat the key episode in Gnostic mythology, the fall of the Aeon Sophia, and thus effectuate a defense against the Archons.
By recounting the myth of their origins, the student demonstrates initiated knowledge of the origin and identity of the entities s/he is facing. Intentional recall of cosmic matters disempowers the Archons. This, at least, is a clear inference from the above passage.
The tactic of remembrance accords closely with indigenous wisdom - consider, for instance, the saying of the Na-Khi, a Tibetan people of southeastern China:
"One must relate the origin of the medicine, otherwise it cannot work its magic."
Shamans heal, not only by their knowledge of the properties of plants, but also by their recounting the story of the plant.
Likewise, Gnostics defeated the Archons with the "medicine" (occult power) of mythological recall.
The Coptic materials become increasingly relevant as we realize they do not merely present pedantic or recondite commentaries on a dead religion, but vital insights on the timeless spiritual dilemmas of humanity, insights as valid today as they were 2000 years ago.
The Coptic materials become increasingly relevant as we realize they do not merely present pedantic or recondite commentaries on a dead religion, but vital insights on the timeless spiritual dilemmas of humanity, insights as valid today as they were 2000 years ago.
Describing the find at Nag Hammadi, Tobias Churton writes,
"Had Mohammed Ali not broken open the jar, we would not be able to hear these things. In the truest sense of the word, these things are dynamite. One might have imagined headlines throughout the world..."The Gnostics, p. 12
But there were no such headlines, even in the tabloids.
It took many years before the codexes were translated and still, even today, no scholar will allow that these rare Coptic codices contain reliable accounts of encounters with ET-like entities.
Ideological Virus
In another passage of The First Apocalypse of James, the Master refers to those people "who exist as the type of the Archons" (30: 20).
Gnostics were not only alert to the intrusion of the Archons, they were also acutely aware of the possibility of humans becoming totally "Archontized."
This threat appears to have emerged in a particularly alarming way in that era to which Philip K. Dick often refers:
the first century of the Common Era, when the incarnation of Christ is said to have occurred, according to Christian belief.
Both the time and the place where Archontic molding of human character set in strongly are specified in the Nag Hammadi texts. In his Gnostic view of the human condition, Dick assumed that the spiritual life of humanity was arrested at that moment.
It is as if the behavior of those "who exist as the type of Archons" locked into place in that era, and came to dominate all subsequent centuries - until the moment in 1945 when the Nag Hammadi texts were discovered.
In a close parallel to Philip K. Dick's vision of "the Empire," Wilhelm Reich saw the rise of a similar syndrome which he characterized as "the mechanico-mystical" complex (see The Mass Psychology of Fascism.) Its signature is "authoritarian ideology," the mindset of fascism and patriarchal domination.
In a close parallel to Philip K. Dick's vision of "the Empire," Wilhelm Reich saw the rise of a similar syndrome which he characterized as "the mechanico-mystical" complex (see The Mass Psychology of Fascism.) Its signature is "authoritarian ideology," the mindset of fascism and patriarchal domination.
Significantly, archon was the common term for "governer," or "authority" in Roman times.
In some translations of the Coptic materials, archon (plural, archontoi) is rendered as "the authorities." Reich's analysis of what I propose to call the mystico-fascist complex focuses on National Socialism, the Nazi movement, which he experienced first-hand, but The Mass Psychology of Fascism contains ample references to Catholicism and the Holy Roman Empire, the millennial ancestor of the mystico-fascist program.
For more comments on this subject viewed in a contemporary vein, see Armageddon Politics.
In allusion to the fascist ideology of the "authorities", Philip K. Dick wrote:
For more comments on this subject viewed in a contemporary vein, see Armageddon Politics.
In allusion to the fascist ideology of the "authorities", Philip K. Dick wrote:
"The Empire is the institution, the codification, of derangement; it is insane and imposes its insanity on us by violence, since its nature is a violent one."Valis, p. 235, citing entry 41 from "The Exegesis."
This is purely a Gnostic insight, compatible with passages in the NHC and deeply resonant with Reich's views on the massenpsychosen of Roman Christianity.
It might be argued that the Nazis were not Christians, but in fact Hitler imagined himself as a Grail Knight, modeled after Wagner's Parsifal, and the savior complex of Judaeo-Christian belief is wholly transposed into Nazi racial ideology - hence the "Aryan Christ" identified, and, to some degree, embraced by C. G. Jung.
The Holy Reich, published in 2004 by Richard Steigman-Gall, professor of history at Kent State University in the USA, argues that Hitler was sincere in calling himself a Christian, and reveals to what extent Christian ideology was embraced by the Nazi party and contributed to the advancement of their cause.
Wilhelm Reich warned that since the breakdown of the pre-Christian ethos of earth-oriented Paganism,
Wilhelm Reich warned that since the breakdown of the pre-Christian ethos of earth-oriented Paganism,
"the biological core of humanity has been without social representation."(Ibid., p. xii)
This is a staggering observation, to say the least.
The "authorities" exhibit the behavior of spiritual zombies, people who exemplify a baffling mix of mystical and militaristic fixations.
The "authorities" exhibit the behavior of spiritual zombies, people who exemplify a baffling mix of mystical and militaristic fixations.
(What I have called behavioral cloning - see below insert - is widely evident in both militaristic and mystical behavior, such as we see today in neocon religious realpolitik, although it is also embodied in the mass conformity of global consumerism and the rites of technophilia.)
from MetaHistory Website
Proposed term for the hive behavior of a society driven by unquestioned beliefs or by technological prosthetics. Both beliefs (especially religious beliefs) and prosthetics (that is, tools that replace human faculties and functions) depend for their efficacy on a prior condition: disembodiment of the human subject, or the strong tendency toward disembodiment.
In the long-term overview developed in this site, behavioral cloning is seen as developing historically in three phases:
There is an overall continuity here in which religion (Judeo-Christian ideology) and Platonic philosophy (the abstracting tendency) combine to turn the species away from Sacred Nature; and then, when the quest for knowledge of the natural world is revived in the Enlightenment (1600), the disembodiment has already advanced so far that the formulations of science can only continue the deviation, and extrapolate it beyond correction.
This trend culminates today in the fantasy of running the world on artificial intelligence and replacing humans by robots or cyborgs.
This entire trajectory of development would not have been possible if the quest for transcendence from the blocking of the ego-self had not been diverted into a quest of the ego-self to transcend nature.
(By "blocking of the ego-self," I mean the psychological necessity of the social ego to turn off its connection with nature so that it can develop a field of human-based, culture-oriented relations. Genuine transcendence, such as was offered in the Mystery School initiations, involved temporary dissolving of the ego-blocks and melting of self-consciousness so that nature is once again encountered as the numinous source of life.)
In his landmark essay, "Why the Future Doesn't Need Us," IT (informational technology) pioneer Bill Joy wrote:
In the terminal phase of behavioral cloning, a powerful fantasy comes into play - but it is just a fantasy.
This is the widely hyped claim that AI (artificial intelligence), will replace human intelligence, and humans in the future will become cyborgs. The tool for achieving this goal is IT, informational technology. The presumed outcome of this transmogrification will be AL (artificial life.)
This entire proposed development shows how the Dreaming of the Archons intrudes upon the human mind and displaces our species from its proper relation to Gaia's Dreaming. In reality, the Alien Dreaming is a discarnate fantasy that cannot be realized by humankind because we are an embodied species embedded in a natural habitat, and our self-awareness depends on direct mirroring in nature. However, due to the disease of narcissism (obsession with the socially mirrored ego-self), we are prone to take the Alien Dreaming for a real prospect.
IT is the tool we are using to write ourselves out of Gaia's agenda. By themselves the Archons can do nothing but insinuate. They rely heavily on our tendency to give over our power by wrong use of imagination.
Let's recall the alchemical teaching quoted in Sources of the Gaia Mythos:
Our problem - without question, the single most threatening spiritual problem of our species - is that we do not adequately or consistently distinguish the true from the fantastic imagination.
How we lost the "Old Gnosis" (illumined body-knowing of Sacred Nature), and how Judeo-Christian monotheism gradually undermined the imaginative faculties we need to co-evolve with Gaia, are lucidly explained by Theodore Roszak in Where the Wasteland Ends. One of the most reliable tactics of the Archons is Simulation (Hal in Coptic).
We might assume, then, that they are capable of simulating life to the point where their simulation cannot be distinguished from the real thing. Not so. The Archons cannot make pearls from plastic, but we can become so dull in sense perception that we cannot distinguish plastic from pearl.
Gnostic seers ascertained that Archontic simulation is largely a faking process, like the special effects of the Wizard of Oz.
Our alien cousins cannot actually simulate the human organism, but if they can convince us that they can do so, we risk making the simulation look real because we grant it reality in our own imaginations. Gnostics taught that the Archons can do nothing without our complicity - and, in fact, we are the ones who do most of the work for them!
The power of human imagination is immense (Gnostics called this faculty the luminous epinoia), and the Archons rely on stealing its inventive fire to pass off their simulations as real.
Consistent with this tactic, the Alien Dreaming seduces us into believing that all kinds of ridiculous things are possible, or even have been achieved already. The fear factor plays beautifully into our inflated expectations. For instance, we live in breathless anticipation that a human being will be physically cloned, perhaps with a little help from our alien cousins on the biotechnological points.
Fearing this will occur, or eagerly waiting for it to occur, we do not see what is actually occurring, what is actually happening to us. It is as if we lived in a building under constant threat of an earthquake while acid is silently eating away the foundations. This tactic of distraction, or misdirection, is extremely effective.
Consequently, the world today is constantly jolted with the immanence of human cloning, while behavioral cloning proceeds unnoticed. Common forms of behavioral cloning are:
Furious and unabated, these and other forms of behavioral cloning proceed without the blink of an eye.
Indeed, they are encouraged and enforced at every turn, especially where financial gain is at stake. Their effect is to reinforce the zombie mentality that allows them to occur in the first place.
The dynamic of behavioral cloning is a classic case of "positive feedback" - an unfortunate designation, however. In the language of complexity theory (formerly, chaos theory) positive feedback is a self-enforcing loop that eventually spins out of control and self-destructs.
On an icy road, when a car begins to slide out of control, the smart driver will steer slightly and steadily in the direction the car's rear end is shifting, thus correcting the spin. This exemplifies "negative feedback," but I propose it would be better called corrective feedback. Many of the natural processes on earth, such as the formation of the polar icecaps and the carbon cycle, demonstrate corrective feedback.
If the driver on an icy road panics and makes the seemingly logical move to steer out of the slide (i.e., away from it), the car goes into an uncontrollable spin. This is positive feedback, but I would prefer to call it dystrophic feedback. Dystrophy (from dys-, "abnormal, impaired," + tropos, "turn.") is a physical disorder of the limbs characterized by the wasting of organs and tissues, as in muscular dystrophy. Dystrophy - literally, "a turn for the worse" - is more radical than entropy, which is merely the passive running down of a system.
Dystrophic feedback leads to violent disintegration of an organism or machine. In short, it is the path of catastrophic breakdown.
Behavioral cloning is extremely deceptive because the high degree of conformity it demands gives the impression of order and stability. Yet a society driven by behavioral cloning will, sooner or later, enter the path of catastrophic breakdown. Behavioral cloning is the norm in societies where the ruling powers are blindly driven to pathological extremes, such as the Sun sacrifice madness of the Aztecs.
As noted above, behavioral cloning is driven from within by belief and lured or entrained from without by technology and trickery (i.e., "magic," as in the case of Aztec magical ceremonies to feed blood to the dying sun).
When beliefs and technology combine, the formula is LETHAL.
Gnostics taught that the Archons do not autonomously cause us to deviate from our proper course of evolution, but they exploit our tendency to let our errors extrapolate beyond the scale of correction - i.e., to verge on dystrophic feedback. To my knowledge, no other ancient teaching carries such a clear predictive view of the risk of evolutional deviance inherent to human social behavior.
The Gnostics may have been silenced 1600 years ago, but they can still speak vividly to us today.
The dynamics of behavioral cloning can also be understood by way of two seminal ideas proposed by cultural anthropologist Rene Girard:
According to Reich, these fixations, focused on the master fixation on a transcendent God beyond the Earth, arise from the repression and displacement of somatic sensations, especially sexual-genital feelings.
Philip K. Dick agreed with Reich in observing that the mystico-fascist ideology grows like armor around people who adopt these fixations, either through indoctrination or intimidation ("conversion").
The mystico-fascist ideology operates like a virus,
"imposing its form on its enemies. Thereby it becomes it enemies."Valis, p. 235
The ideology of the authorities can infect even those who resist it. Hence it turns humanity against itself.
But it would appear that some Gnostics were immune to infection - not by accident, but due to their deliberate practice of orgiastic sexual techniques to produce immunity, and due, in equal measure, to their explicit teachings on the Archons and how to resist them, as seen in the above passage from The First Apocalypse of James.
But it would appear that some Gnostics were immune to infection - not by accident, but due to their deliberate practice of orgiastic sexual techniques to produce immunity, and due, in equal measure, to their explicit teachings on the Archons and how to resist them, as seen in the above passage from The First Apocalypse of James.
Gnostic observers on the ground when Christianity arose saw salvationist ideology exactly the way Philip K. Dick did: as a virus. An ideological virus, to be precise.
Pagan intellectuals of the day even used that very term for the fanaticism of the converts. Gnostics saw the tyranny of belief, of metaphysical fantasies that underwrite militaristic agendas, in the rise of early Christianity.
We can only imagine what they would see today in the political religiosity of the American right.
Defending Humanity
What are we to make, then, of Gnostic beliefs about the Archons?
It might be said that Gnostics believed that only by confronting what is insane and inhumane in ourselves, can we truly define what is human. In essence, to define humanity is to defend it against distortion.
Gnostics asserted that the capacity for distortion of humanitas, or dehumanization, is inherent in our minds, but this capacity alone is not potentially deviant.
Since we are endowed with nous, a dose of divine intelligence, we are able to detect and correct distorted thinking. We can master what Tibetan Buddhists call krol'pa, "thoughts that lead astray," mental fixations that turn us away from humanitas, our true identity.
However, Gnostics also warned of an alien spin that can add a truly deviant element to our thinking.
The effect of the Archons is not to make us err, but to make us, largely through dullness and distraction, disregard our errors, so that they extrapolate beyond the scale of correction.
The Archons cast a 'trance" over Adam... They put him into a sleepy state, but it was his perception they dulled... They make our hearts heavy that we may not pay attention and may not see. So we lose the reflection of the Divine Light within us.. . [Thus the Archons acted on humanity] with a view to deceive.
When the life-spirit increases and the illuminating power of the body strengthens the soul, no one can lead you astray into the lessening of your humanity. But those on whom the counterfeit spirit preys are alienated from humanity and deviated... The despicable spirit gains strength by leading us astray.The Archons burden the soul, attracting us to works of evil, and pull us down into oblivion, making us forget who we are.
The Apocryphon of John, II, 22: 14-10, through 27-20
The catechism on alien encounters in The First Apocalypse of James is not exceptional.
A great deal of Gnostic teaching was dedicated to the theory of error I have just summarized. In a practical sense, Gnostic teachers in the Mystery Schools instructed the neophytes in how to face the Archons both as alien intruders, comparable to the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary lore, and as tendencies in their minds.
The detection of Archontic intrusion in both these modes of experience seems to be unique to the finely nuanced noetic science of the Mysteries.
In the Gnostic view, human beings "who exist as the type of the Archons" are those who blindly follow religious ideologies of an insane and inhumane nature, for it is primarily through religious beliefs that the Archons intrude upon us.
In the Gnostic view, human beings "who exist as the type of the Archons" are those who blindly follow religious ideologies of an insane and inhumane nature, for it is primarily through religious beliefs that the Archons intrude upon us.
Behavior driven by such beliefs produces pathological personality fixations, resulting in the spiritual zombie.
All scholars agree that some Gnostics condemned equally the Jewish origins of the Christian salvationist program, and the Pauline-Johannine program itself. Doing so, they did not spread a hate message against anyone. Rather, they attempted to expose what they perceived to be the hateful and deceiving message disguised in the Judeo-Christian ideology of salvation.
At the source of this message, they detected the subliminal intrusion of the Archons into the human mind. Hence the thrust and preponderance (more than half of all surviving material, by my estimate) of politically and theologically incorrect passages in the Coptic materials.
Whether or not Gnostics were delusional about the Archons is a private judgment call.
Whether or not Gnostics were delusional about the Archons is a private judgment call.
But a fair and open-minded reading of the Coptic texts will not yield much evidence for derangement on their part. The seers who exposed derangement were not deranged. They were sober and methodical in describing what they knew, and extremely conscientious in prescribing action to face the perceived threat.
They believed that they really had identified that most baffling of all enigmas: the root cause of inhumanity in human nature.
What are we to believe about all this today?
What are we to believe about all this today?
There is an issue of credibility here, of course - that is to say, we may consider the source of Gnostic teachings apart from their content. But Gnosis is by definition a matter of knowing and not of believing. It is about enlightenment, not faith.
To give Gnostics credit for actually knowing what they claimed to know is only the first step. Beyond that, we must confirm what they knew by our own resources, our own faculties.
This is the perennial challenge of Gnosis, the living, ever-renewing cognition of the human spirit.
Knowledge of that which is alive can alone banish terror. Wilhelm Reich
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