Thursday, July 4, 2019

10 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration and Ascending Your Consciousness
1. You are aware of the term ascension.
2. You are aware that you are a spiritual being having a human expereince.
3. You are obsessed with all things spiritual, alternative, conspiracy, healing, positivity.
4. Your energy is softer – you are becoming less aggressive and dualistic.
5. You take full responsibility for everything that has occurred or will occur in your life.
6. You accept responsibility for your own feelings, emotions, state of health and happiness.
7. Your life is becoming more and more aligned with the “image” you project to others.
8. You understand that all life is sacred…. air, water, sun, moon, stars, clouds, rocks, sand, dirt, trees, plants, animals, the Earth and even oil are all living consciousnesses that supports and sustains life on this beautiful planet.
9. You appreciate the diversity of creation. You understand that no two souls, just like no two snowflakes are alike.
10. You are becoming conscious of the direction of your energy and you know how powerful you are.
11. You are practicing SELF LOVE and understand that whatever is happening in your life is there to help you further your evolution into higher states of consciousness.

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