Friday, March 19, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The Evangelical Free Church of America and Premillennialism
According to an article published in Christianity Today, the Evangelical Free Church of America stepped back from its premillennial convictions. According to the news report written by Morgan Lee, “The Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) has changed its position on end times doctrine. The denomination recently voted to drop the word ‘premillennial’ from its statement of faith.”
In a document titled “The Proposal to Amend our Statement of Faith: A Rationale for the Change,” the denomination stated that “Many churches in the EFCA, recognizing that premillennialism is merely a denominational distinctive and not an essential of the gospel, simply do not enforce it as a required doctrinal position for members, elders or even for pastors.”
In the article published in Christianity Today, Daniel Hummel, a historian of US religion, said: “Historians often see the shift towards premillennialism happening in the mid-nineteenth century with the Civil War, with a more pessimistic view of the future coming into a lot of American’s minds. And there’s also new theological influences that are making premillennialism much more popular. Premillennialism becomes sort of the main tradition and the air that a lot of evangelicals breathe, throughout the 20th century.”
Premillennialism is predominantly found among conservative evangelicals who continue to use the King James Bible and modern translations which continue the tradition of the Authorized Version. Christians who adhere to fundamentalist theological views believe that before the millennial there will be the seven-year tribulation and that the church will be raptured before the tribulation. Thus, the premillennial view, that the church will be taken before the millennium begins.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
R. D. Laing and the Anti-Psychiatry Movement
On August 23, 1989, Scottish psychiatrist Ronald David Laing passed away. Laing is noted for his alternative approach to the treatment of schizophrenia. His first book, The Divided Self, was an attempt to explain schizophrenia by using existentialist philosophy to vividly portray the inner world of a schizophrenic, which Laing presented as an attempt to live in an unlivable situation. Laing’s views on the causes and treatment of serious mental dysfunction, greatly influenced by existential philosophy, ran counter to the psychiatric orthodoxy of the day by taking the expressed feelings of the individual patient or client as valid descriptions of lived experience rather than simply as symptoms of some separate or underlying disorder.
The Shamanic View of Mental Illness
What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital
In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.
What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as “good news from the other world.” The person going through thTuesday, March 2, 2021
Vaccine Requirements and Exemptions Codes
Download and fill out your religious exemption
Vaccine Requirements and Exemptions Codes
Religious exemption indicates that there is a provision in the statute that allows parents to exempt their children from vaccination and adults to opt out of vaccination if it contradicts their sincere religious beliefs. Per the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EOCC) which enforces Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, employers MUST offer religious and disability accommodations to vaccine requirements.
Step 1: Download and print the Religious Exemption form below under the section "RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FORMS (ADULT AND CHILD)". Make sure to print the correct form for either a child or an adult.
Step 2: (For child only) Locate your state code below which allows for Religious Vaccine Exemptions for school and write it on your Religious Vaccination form. CA, NY, ME, MS, and WV will NOT accept Religious Exemptions for students grades K-12.
Step 3: Make sure to get your Religious Exemption form notarized.
Step 4: If the institution requesting vaccination needs further explanation as to why vaccines conflict with/or violate your sincerely held religious belief/observance/practice, please see the "RELIGIOUS CONCERNS" tab on the FOR-US website for detailed information regarding specific religious reasons as to why some may oppose vaccination. Alternatively, rather than explaining why vaccines conflict with/or violate your beliefs, you can follow step #5 below and ask the requesting institution to "see the attachment."
Step 5: If the institution requesting vaccination needs the signature or a letter from a clergy member to back up your request for a Religious Exemption, you may wish to present the information found on the FOR-US website, along with your exemption form to one of your local faith leaders for guidance. FOR-US has sample letters under the tab "CLERGY LETTERS." If you are having difficulty locating a faith leader to help you with this process, please feel free to email so that we may help you complete the process of submitting a Religious Exemption.
(From A Voice For Choice Advocacy )
All Employees: Per the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EOCC) which enforces
Review of herbal medications with the potential to cause bleeding: dental implications, and risk prediction and prevention avenues
Medicinal plant products have been used in health care since time immemorial. During the past three decades, the use of herbal supplements has been on the rise in the USA. A number of these products have been shown to possess the potential to interfere with blood clotting. This paper is a review of blood-thinning herbal supplements commonly used in the USA, accompanied by discussion of the dental implications of their use along with suggestions for prediction and prevention of the risk of bleeding. Twenty herbal supplements belonging to four pharmacological groups are identified and reviewed. While the majority (45%) of the supplements reviewed possesses antiplatelet properties, the remaining are dispersed among anticoagulant (15%), a combination of antiplatelet and anticoagulant (15%), and other diverse groups (25%). The literature reveals that most of the available information on blood-thinning herbs is based on in vitro experiments, animal studies, and individual clinical case reports. Some herbal effects are also speculated based on theoretical grounds. These observations, together with the deficiency of the law regulating herbal supplements, indicate limitations of the literature and the regulatory mechanisms related to these products, further implying the need for additional research and improved regulation. While emphasizing the dental implications of the findings reported in the literature, suggestions were made for prediction and prevention of the risk of bleeding caused by herbal medications, based on the concepts of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine.
5 Natural Blood Thinners
Your body has a way of protecting you from bleeding. Most of the time your blood’s ability to clot is a good thing. There are times when blood clots can be dangerous.
If you have certain conditions such as an irregular heart rhythm or a congenital heart defect, or if you’ve had certain procedures such as heart valve surgery, your doctor may prescribe a blood thinner.
These conditions and heart valve replacement surgery increase the chance of developing life-threatening blood clots that may cause a heart attack or stroke. Blood thinners lower your risk for heart attack and stroke by decreasing the chance that blood clots form.
There are also some ingredientsTrusted Source found in nature that some believe help reduce the risk of clotting. However, they haven’t been tested and compared against prescription blood thinners.
You may wantA 12-minute workout can activate hundreds of heart-healthy molecules

Grapefruit: The no side-effect blood thinning food
Grapefruit is a Natural Blood Thinning Food
If you’re at risk for heart disease, you’ve likely heard of blood-thinning medication and a doctor has likely sold it to you. It’s used to help prevent the risk of blood clots, which can block critical blood flow to the heart.
Unfortunately, these medications can come with major side effects (more on that to come) and unless you change your lifestyle, they can’t change anything permanently for you.
Luckily, there are natural, whole blood thinning foods that you can eat regularly to reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke for the long-term. Grapefruit happens to be one of the best foods to thin blood naturally, which can help reduce pressure on your artery walls and blood vessels. Grapefruit also helps lower cholesterol, which is important for heart health and is effective at strengthening blood vessels and capillaries.
For those with atherosclerosis, which is when plaque and fatty deposits start to build-up on your blood vessels and block the flow of blood, grapefruit can act as an artery “scrubber” to scrape away and break down plaque to increase blood flow.
By eating grapefruit every single day, you can help reduce the damage done to your body from poor diet and little exercise, so that you can live a healthier, longer life.
Learn more in 10 Whole Food Remedies to Heal High Blood Pressure.