Thursday, June 17, 2021

what are terpenes and how do they affect cbd? 


Terpenes are currently the most buzzed-about topic in the CBD world. But what exactly are they, and how do they affect your CBD? 

the diverse terpenes of cannabis

One plant that’s rich in terpenes is the cannabis plant. In cannabis, terpenes are to credit for the sticky texture and strong aromas that each strain has to offer. There are several factors that can influence the terpene profile of a plant— including climate, time of year at harvest, age of the plant at harvest, and so on. Cannabis synthesizes and secretes terpenes from the same glands where therapeutic cannabinoids CBD and THC are produced. So, while cannabinoids are highly recognized for their therapeutic potential, terpenes are showing that they may play a bigger part in the therapeutic effects of cannabis than we thought.

Scientists have found over 100 different terpenes in the cannabis plant. Here is a list of the most abundant terpenes found in cannabis.


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