Sunday, January 1, 2023



In the wake of my blogs about the strange goings on in Antarctica lately, several people shared more information about the southern polar continent's list of visitors, and a very strange list it is indeed. And I thought I'd pass along their findings to the readership here, along with a few remarks and high octane speculations of my own. For example, Mr. D.A. sent along the following list; among the list of visitors to Antarctica, we may now add the fact that former President Bill Clinton visited the Christ Church, New Zealand "Deep Freeze" Base in that city:


So adding it all up, we have the following increasingly strange and bizarre list of people that have either visited, or have been connected to, Antarctica:

1)  Rudolf Hess (sponsor of 1938-39 Nazi Expedition);

2) Herman Goering(sponsor of 1938-39 Nazi Expedition);

3) Admiral Richard Byrd, visitor, leader of Operation High Jump, 1947, who makes strange remarks for El Mercurio of Santiago de Chile about the USA preparing to defend against "enemy fighters that can fly from pole to pole with tremendous speed";

4) Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril III (visitor), to bless an Orthodox chapel;

5) US Secretary of State John Kerry, visitor, to learn about "climate change" (so we're told);

6) Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Moon astronaut, visitor, who tweets about getting ready to "go to the launchpad", who then has to be evacuated and quarantined;

7) Prince Harry of Great Britain, visitor on a "charity" junket to highlight wounded soldiers and difficult career transitions;

8) King Juan Carlos of Spain, visitor, who wants to fulfill a "lifelong ambition" to see beautiful, scenic Antarctica.



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