Thursday, September 13, 2018

UFOs and Extraterrestrial life

Higher planes of existence

There is intelligent life on other planets within this Solar System, but it exists at a frequency of vibration which is higher than the frequency of vibration of the plane that we inhabit on Earth.
If, for example, NASA were to send astronauts to Venus, they would not discover any signs of Venusian civilization unless the intelligences on Venus chose in some way to make their existence known to them. If, however, a great adept of yoga were to consciously leave the body and project to a plane of Venus that is inhabited, he or she would be able to see that Venus is in fact teeming with life. Such a plane would be physical – but a higher form of physicality than our physical senses or science as we know it is currently able to detect.

What are extraterrestrial beings in this Solar System like?

Our planetary neighbors do not fight and scheme against one another as is the norm upon Earth. Murder, theft, racism, greed, cruelty, war etc. – are entirely alien to them. They have no countries – and travel freely between planets. Their whole outlook is one of selfless compassion based on cooperation with the Laws which are God. They do not reincarnate like we do; they have mastered the “wheel of rebirth” and are therefore effectively immortal – though they may change their physical structures from time to time. They have colossal psychic powers, and, more importantly, perfect intuition which works in complete harmony with a flawless sense of logic. They are masters of all known sciences, and also masters of what we might call the arts. They are sometimes referred to as “Cosmic Masters”, or even “Gods from Space”, in deference to their elevated evolutionary status.
Aetherius Society philosophy and teachings come largely from highly advanced intelligences from the higher planes of Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.

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