Friday, May 24, 2019

3D Astrology
The concept of three dimensional houses or "3D houses" refers to a method of placing planets in one of the 12 astrological houses that requires considering the planet's latitude in addition to its zodiac position longitude. All the various classic systems of house division (e.g. Placidus) attempt to define a single zodiac position for each house cusp. That model is simple and easy to work with, however it's limited because it doesn't take into account the third dimension, or a planet's ecliptic latitude. "3D houses" is not a standard system of house division like others, because it goes beyond the old model of picking a single zodiac position for each house cusp.
Visualize the nature of a house to begin with. The sky or celestial sphere is divided into 12 equally sized wedges (like pieces of an orange) with respect to the local horizon, with houses 1-6 below the horizon, and houses 7-12 above it. Similarly, houses 10-3 are to the east of the meridian, and houses 4-9 are to the west of the meridian. The signs of the zodiac are also a set of 12 equally sized "orange wedges", however they're oriented to a different coordinate system, or more specifically are rotated to be aligned with the ecliptic. The fact that houses consider the local horizon, and zodiac positions consider the ecliptic, and standard house systems attempt to use ecliptic coordinates to fully define houses, can be considered a distorted model and therefore less accurate astrology. Perhaps the reason why there's so much debate about which house system is correct, is that they're all wrong! In other words, perhaps each standard house system only seems to work in certain circumstances when the planetary latitudes happen to place them in the correct 3D house.

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