Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tropical vs Sidereal astrology: Why both work !!!
What’s interesting with sidereal astrology is that it’s more likely to describe how the physical state of the system, the way we individually are stretched by those massive balls and their rays and gravities, the way the stellar background is enlightening us from the inside. And it will depict what’s inside of us, the way we feel and how it justifies our both internal and external features. It’s like opening ones car hood and see the mechanics, the gears. If tropical astrology is like an output channel, sidereal is the inner path energy is following before flowing out into manifestation. The more you are aware of inner self, the more you will be affected and synchronized with sidereal ephemeris and constellations rather than tropical signs. As comparison it’s like you are a car, the tropical astrologer will tell you “oh yes, you are a Audi car, A4 serie, Diesel, 2l”, because he only will be able to distinct the body of the car”, a good sidereal astrologer should be able to open the hood and tell you, “the engine has been manufactured by VolksWagen, is the same as the VW Passat series” and other details that can only be found once you get deeper into someone else.

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