Friday, September 15, 2023

1863 Russian involvement in the US Civil War 

 Not many people in either country know that Russia helped the Union win the bloodiest conflict in US history. Under an agreement between President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II, Russia sent naval ships to the US to help Lincoln keep the country together.

A commemorative ceremony has been held by the grave of a Russian Navy sailor who died in Maryland during the American Civil War while helping the North fight the Confederates.

The History They Don’t Teach You in School: U.S. and Russia Have a Long History of Collaboration 


A second major precondition for the policies of the three American System presidents we mention here was the critical role played by Russia in the formation of the League of Armed Neutrality, the 1780 pact among Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Prussia, Portugal and the Holy Roman Empire to defend neutral shipping against the British Empire’s assaults on the French-American alliance in the American Revolutionary War. This action, while showing no political affinity of Empress Catherine the Great with the American republican cause as such, established a strong sense of sympathy and appreciation from the American side toward the Russians.

The Journey into the Unconscious — Part 5, Joseph Campbell 

 Carl Jung’s so-called ‘confrontation with the unconscious’ as described in his Red Book, and also in a summarised, sanitised version in one chapter of Memories, Dreams, Reflections. As I’ve noted in earlier articles, some commentators have described this period as madness, a psychosis, or a ‘creative illness’. Others have suggested that Jung was certifiably schizophrenic. Jung himself, however, said that this inner journey was highly significant for his inner development, and the inspiration for the remainder of his life’s work.

 That sets the scene perfectly for this new article about Joseph Campbell, almost certainly the greatest mythologist of all time, for chapter 10 of his Myths to Live By¹ is entitled ‘Schizophrenia — the Inward Journey’. He says there that, having read a paper by John Weir Perry, he learned that “the imagery of schizophrenic fantasy perfectly matches that of the mythological hero journey”. (Perry contributed a chapter to Spiritual Emergency by Stanislav and Christina Grof, which was the subject of the previous article.)


Friday, September 8, 2023

Steve Bannon and China’s Deep State 

 On June 4, 2020, purged billionaire deep state operative Guo Wengui (aka: Miles Guo), now operating from New York City, established a new organization called ‘The New Federal State of China’ with a shiny new flag, constitution and cheesy anthem – devoted entirely to the overthrow of the Chinese government… which will undoubtedly happen any day within Guo’s wildest imagination. 

Guo was among the first batch of young sociopaths who played a role in the attempted Soros-fueled color revolution led by Soros-asset Zhao Ziyang (former Premier 1980-1987 and then head of the Chinese Communist Party from 1987-89). 

Upon his release, Guo quickly went back to work rebuilding his empire using no shortage of dirty tricks and help from leading figures centered around China’s powerful ministry of state security and billionaire Shanghai Clique of former CPC chairmen Jiang Zemin (1989-2002) and Hu Jintao (2002-2012). 

Guo’s luck ran out in 2014 when he found himself facing dozens of charges of bribery, extortion, blackmail, and rape. Guo’s inevitable prosecution was fueled by a much larger crackdown of China’s deep state led by Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.

One of the main conduits Bannon chose to unleash this assault early on was titled the Committee on Present Danger-China which he founded alongside a group of intelligence operatives, raging neocons and grifters in March 2019. Labelling China’s Belt and Road as a new empire threatening to undo America and enslave the world, Bannon’s think tank stated:

 alun Gong which has been banned from China since 1999 and used by the CIA as a propaganda weapon against China claiming anecdotal evidence of Beijing-sponsored organ harvesting and killing of religious minorities. Though selling itself as a meditation group, its leader Li Hongzhi is based in the USA where he has lived on a 427-acre compound named Dragon Springs in New York state

It is here, that we start getting a fuller picture of the nature of the false ‘left vs right’ game being played, as we look at a City of London-based think tank which Bannon leads called the Dignitatis Humanae Institute located within an 800 year old monastery called the Abbey of Tristuli. This Abbey was constructed on the orders of Pope Innocent III in 1204 to celebrate the fourth Crusade which saw the strategically important sacking of Constantinople by hoards of Christian crusading mercenaries killing fellow Christians.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Russia Releases ‘Future Map’ Of Ukraine; Reduces Europe’s Biggest Country To Kyiv While Russia Absorbs The Rest 


Deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and Former President – Dmitry Medvedev has posted maps to illustrate what he believes would be the fate of Ukraine. According to Medvedev, Ukraine would probably be reduced to Kyiv and its surrounding areas.

On July 27, Medvedev shared two maps in a Telegram post, the first one showing the Ukrainian territory before the Ukraine crisis of 2014, which includes Crimea and the two eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk.

“In the mind of the president of Ukraine, damaged by psychotropic substances, this is what the map of his country’s bright future will look like,” Medvedev wrote about the first map in his Telegram post.


Why Is Julian Assange Being Tortured to Death? 

 Why is he being tortured to death?  Why is he still being subjected to new and experimental variants of BZ fresh from Porton Down, and deprived, not only of friends, relatives, and unsupervised access to his legal team, but to food and basic care?


Pray and Weep, by Karen Kwiatkowski 


It is impossible to know at this point what American and British authorities are doing to Julian Assange during his incarceration in Belmarsh prison. If Karen Kwiatkowski’s allegations are correct, then the US has indeed become a police state comparable to the now defunct Soviet Union. From Kwiatkowski at


Interviewing is the wrong word.  I’d like to say doctoring him, because it would be more accurate, except that word implies some care for a positive outcome.  Chemical Gina has her hands in this one, and we are being told that Assange is being “treated” with 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, known as BZ.  What BZ does, from the New Yorker:

“Exposed soldiers exhibited bizarre symptoms: rapid mumbling, or picking obsessively at bedclothes and other objects, real or imaginary. “…The drug’s effect lasted for days. At its peak, volunteers were totally cut off in their own minds, jolting from one fragmented existence to the next. They saw visions: Lilliputian baseball players competing on a tabletop diamond; animals or people or objects that materialized and vanished. ….

Soldiers on BZ could remember only fragments of the experience afterward. As the drug wore off, and the subjects had trouble discerning what was real, many experienced anxiety, aggression, even terror. Ketchum [Dr. James Ketchum, DoD Edgewood Arsenal, MD] built padded cells to prevent injuries, but at times the subjects couldn’t be contained. One escaped, running from imagined murderers. Another, on a drug similar to BZ, saw “bugs, worms, one snake, a monkey and numerous rats,” and thought his skin was covered in blood. “Subject broke a wooden chair and smashed a hole in the wall after tearing down a 4-by-7-ft panel of padding,” his chart noted. Ketchum and three assistants piled on top of the soldier to subdue him. “He was clearly terrified and convinced we were intending to kill him,” his chart said.

One night, Ketchum rushed into a padded room to reassure a young African-American volunteer wrestling with the ebbing effects of BZ. The soldier, agitated, found the air-conditioner gravely threatening. After calming him down, Ketchum sat beside him. Attempting to see if he could hold a conversation, Ketchum asked, “Why do they have taxes, income taxes, things like that?”

The soldier thought for a minute. “You see, that would be difficult for me to answer, because I don’t like rice,” he said.”

BZ is an interesting drug, certainly not the only one used by the US government, but one of them.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Origin of the Title “Ecumenical” for the Patriarch of Constantinople by Blessed Dositheus of Jerusalem 


The title Ecumenical was given for the first time to the Pope at the Council of Chalcedon, not by the fathers of this council, but by some of those who were offended [by Dioscoros], in their petition to him. This council not only did not recognize this title, but it kept completely silent about it. As the demand of Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, proposed to this Council, that there is an ancient custom for the Patriarch of Antioch to sue at Jerusalem, was left by him without satisfaction: so he did not confirm the announcement of the Alexandrians that the Pope is the Archbishop and Patriarch of the Ecumene. Therefore, this council in its message to the Pope called him only the Archbishop of Rome, but no more. As for the Patriarch of Constantinople, the name “Ecumenical” was first given to him at the council that was under [Patriarch] John the Cappadocian, not by random people who called the Pope that way, but by the fathers sent from the apostolic sees of Antioch and Jerusalem, and then the synod in Constantinople.

"Russian Orthodox," and "Greek Orthodox" Are Strictly Informal Distinctions In The Same Faith 

 Orthodox Churches, Eastern: Greek Orthodox Church and Its Theology. The expression “Greek Orthodox Church” has two meanings. In the broad sense, it refers to the entire body of Orthodox (Chalcedonian) Christianity, sometimes also called “Eastern Orthodox,” “Greek Catholic,” or generally “the Greek Church,” because the mother communities of Orthodoxy were all located in the Greek speaking portion of the ancient Roman Empire.

The Last Crusade: How the conflict between Russia and the West has fueled a major split in the Orthodox Christian Church 


2023 may go down in history as a milestone in another major schism in the Christian world. The conflict between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Istanbul), which has been developing for several years, has rapidly escalated from serious-but-resolvable disagreements to open accusations of heresy. The underlying cause is the political conflict between Russia and the West, with Ukraine at its center.

Russian Pravoslavie versus Greek Orthodox 

The Prince Vladimir of Kiev baptized Greco and Byzantium into “PRAVOSLAVIE” (orthodoxy)!
The Legend that King Vladimir, as the conqueror of the land of Kherson, embraced the faith of the defeated Greeks, does not fit with any logic, absolutely!
Where did you see that the winners took faith of losers?
Usually peoples go to war under the banners of their Gods and their spiritual mentors.
The Conquered peoples are showing their weakness, wrong, failure of their God’s teachings, of their culture, of their spiritual values, traditions, and so on. And they are defeated.

Early CIA Conquest of Greek Orthodoxy in America and Turkey. 


President Truman and Archbishop Athenagoras, 1947

It’s long been an open secret that Patriarch Athenagoras’ election as Ecumenical Patriarch was arranged, or at least facilitated, by the United States government. It’s difficult to write about this as an historian, though, because smoking guns for that kind of thing tend to be kept under wraps. Occasionally, though, something slips out. I was recently paging through old documents on the CIA database that were released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). One file contains a big batch of papers from CIA’s predecessor agency, the OSS, all focused on Greece during World War II. Buried in the nearly 300 pages of that PDF are several items pertaining to Athenagoras, who at the time was Archbishop of the Greek Archdiocese of North and South America.

In an OSS interoffice memo dated March 26, 1942, an intelligence agent named Ulius L. Amoss wrote this to a fellow OSS agent named David Burns:

Patriarch Kirill consecrates new cathedral for Russian armed forces (+VIDEO) 

 Yesterday, June 14, on the Sunday of All Saints, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrated the rite of the great consecration of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ—the main church of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, located in the military-patriotic park in Kubinka outside of Moscow—followed by the Divine Liturgy. 


Zionism versus Bolshevism 


Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920, pg. 5

By the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.


Daryl Bradford Smith: World Zionist Control, Chabad Lubavitch 


Dr. John Coleman's classic and essential lecture on The Committee of 300 - now with restored audio 


Sean of SGT Report said to listen to this video three times and take notes. And I concur - it’s a humdinger. The lecture is from the 1990s and it’s amazing to see how many of the things he warns about have come to pass, or are quite apparent at this time.

Due to censorship campaigns, and the Stalin-like scrubbing of anti-globalist materials like this, these gems are getting harder and harder to find. Certainly, you must continue to filter everything through your own critical thinking process, but keep in mind that there is a great push out there to disappear inconvenient truths. Just because something is obscure, do not jump to the conclusion that it is not important or valuable.

Friday, September 1, 2023

KGB, CIA, and the Deconstruction of Orthodoxy 


In this post, two articles will be primarily highlighted. Both articles illustrate several root issues that have provided the fertile ground in which the current actions of the EP have blossomed and manifested fruit.

The first article is – Fr. Kyrill Johnson: the Prestige of the Oecumenical Patriarch. This article was kindly sent to me by a reader, for which I’m very grateful. I encourage everyone to read it in full.

The above article was written in the 1940s. Evidently, at that time the particular mindsets that have only grown and become more well-defined with the passing of time were already existent. 

 Of course, the Patriarch of whom the author writes is the infamous Meletios, who was a Mason.

From very early on Meletios was intimately tied to political powers. Two notable powers mentioned (besides Greek politicians) in the article are Britain and the United States. The reader also will note that one of the main concerns for the EP, even at that time, was one of maintaining the Greek ethnos. The primary matter was that of the preservation of “Greek nationalism.” Meletios is said to be a “Greek nationalist.” 

 The EP has been working with Western powers since the early 1900s, it has been willing to use the Orthodox Faith itself as a bartering chip for its own survival, and political issues occupy a place of primary importance (at times above matters of faith).

The second article is – Ousting the Ecumenical Patriarch: the removal of Maximos V according to CIA records.

This article simply confirms that which many have long known – during the Cold War the EP was developed and supported by the US as an asset to counter “Soviet influence,” specifically as it was perceived through the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) at that time.

 The EP, who already had a history of deep collaboration with Western powers, became the obvious choice.

The prime candidate was Athenagoras. I have pointed out in previous posts that Athenagoras was a Mason. The author of the article rightly points out that Athenagoras is a very influential figure in 20th-century Orthodoxy. 

 The current EP has progressed well beyond the excesses of his predecessors. He is bringing the Masonic work begun by both Meletios and Athenagoras to a dark fulfillment

 It is worth noting in closing, that the great Saint of the 20th century, John Maximovich, also wrote in a loving manner in 1938 warning of the decline and corruption of the EP.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia 

 Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

It was Mike Harris that connected the dots and made the actual discovery of the presence of the Khazarian Mafia’s secret history and blood oath to take revenge on Russia for helping Americans win the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and their blood oath of revenge against America and Americans for winning these wars and sustaining the Union.

We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995.

Hagia Sophia

Constantinople was the seat of Eastern Orthodox before the rise of the Ottoman Turks. The Hagia Sophia was built by Eastern Orthodox and was converted to a Mosque. Somewhere there is a group of Orthodox plotting. Not just Orthodox, an Islamic scholar, Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein, teaches that Islam and Russia need to ally and the Hagia Sophia be returned to Russian Orthodox. starts at 0:30 That is interesting. I know that Orthodox is "nationalistic" but I'm not that familiar with internal rivalries. I've listened to quite a bit of Imran Hosein and he only talks about Russia. That's probably due to Russia's military prowess. Hosein is an "end-time" eschatologist so his presentations are contextualized with prophecy and God's will for the end of time, etc.

It's complicated and goes back a long way, and there are multiple layers to it.

One layer is that the Moscow patriarchate is loyal to the Russian state, and has been since the Soviet Union, whereas the Greek patriarchate, though it's located in Turkey, actually exercises most of its power in the United States, and has a longstanding relationship with American intelligence. So that rivalry has been in place since before the Cold War.

It goes back older than that though. Moscow has, at times, been considered the 3rd Rome, Rome being the greatest seat of power in the Church. Constantinople, the home of the Greek patriarchate, is the 2nd Rome, and tends not to be a fan of this designation for obvious reasons.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Soros, France and the War on Africa: The New Scramble for Africa [Part 1] 

Part one of a six-part series

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio recently accused France of profiting from Africa’s exploitation, while neglecting to contribute towards the continent’s economy — a negative perception of French foreign policy widely shared among Africans.

However, speaking in 2017 about corruption allegations against Presidential candidate Francois Fillon, former director of Transparency International Daniel Lebegue (pictured below) said that there had been a “change of culture” in France. Henceforth, he argued, citizens would no longer accept corruption in any form. He credited his organization for that change.

  Soros, France & the War on Africa: Transparent Imperialism [Part 2]

 The Real Censors of the French Media
Soros, France and the War on Africa [Part 3]

 The Genocide in Rwanda or America’s war on France
Gearóid Ó Colmáin
Soros, France and the War on Africa [Part 4]

List of autocephalous and autonomous churches - Eastern Orthodox 

 It's complicated and goes back a long way, and there are multiple layers to it.

One layer is that the Moscow patriarchate is loyal to the Russian state, and has been since the Soviet Union, whereas the Greek patriarchate, though it's located in Turkey, actually exercises most of its power in the United States, and has a longstanding relationship with American intelligence. So that rivalry has been in place since before the Cold War.

It goes back older than that though. Moscow has, at times, been considered the 3rd Rome, Rome being the greatest seat of power in the Church. Constantinople, the home of the Greek patriarchate, is the 2nd Rome, and tends not to be a fan of this designation for obvious reasons.

 The autocephalous and autonomous Orthodox churches are those churches (i.e. jurisdictions) which have self-government. These jurisdictions are united in doctrine and worship, they recognize each other as canonical, they are in full communion, and together they constitute the Orthodox Church. The use of the term "churches" to refer to the various jurisdictions is informal; strictly speaking, they are just parts of the One Church, the Orthodox Church. 


Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth and founded the Church, through His Apostles and disciples, for the salvation of man. In the years which followed, the Apostles spread the Church and its teachings and founded many churches, all united in faith, worship, and the partaking of the Mysteries (or as they are called in the West, the Sacraments) of the Holy Church. The churches founded by the Apostles themselves include the Patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Rome and Constantinople. The Church of Alexandria was founded by St. Mark, the Church of Antioch by St Paul, the Church of Jerusalem by Ss. Peter and James, the Church of Rome by Ss. Peter and Paul, and Church of Constantinople by St Andrew. Those founded in later years through the missionary activity of the first churches were the Churches of Sinai, Russia, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and many others. 


Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)

The three, first appointed when Crusaders held Jerusalem, are the (Greeks) Orthodox, the Armenian Apostolic and Roman Catholic Churches. These remain the primary custodians of the church. In the 19th century, the Coptic Orthodox, the Ethiopian Orthodox and the Syrian Orthodox acquired lesser responsibilities,


Minimal list

This is a list of churches that are recognized as autocephalous or autonomous by all the others. They are shown here in the canonical order established by Church Tradition.

Autocephalous churches

Autonomous churches

Expanded list

This is a list of churches that are recognized as autocephalous or autonomous by at least some of the others. They are also shown here in canonical order.

Autocephalous churches

It should be noted that in the diptychs of the Moscow Patriarchate and some of its daughter churches (e.g. the OCA), the ranking of four of the patriarchal churches is different. Following Moscow in rank is Georgia, then Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria. The remainder of the rankings beginning with Cyprus is the same.

Autonomous churches

Former self-governing churches

These churches were formerly autocephalous or autonomous, but they are no longer Orthodox, or in some cases no longer exist.

Churches in schism

The following churches are in schism from the mainstream Orthodox Church. In other words, they are not in communion and not considered part of the Orthodox Church, although in most cases they maintain the same doctrine and the same practices.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Has WWIII Already Begun? UFO / UAP’s & Space Warfare w/ Former Presidential Advisor Pippa Malmgren


Atlantis, the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly [1882] 


Introduction by J.B. Hare
Additional Information About Donnelly by Norm Wolcott

Title Page

Part I

Chapter I: The Purpose of the Book.
Chapter II: Plato's History of Atlantis.
Chapter III: The Probabilities of Plato's Story.
Chapter IV: Was Such a Catastrophe Possible?
Chapter V: The Testimony of the Sea.
Chapter VI: The Testimony of the Flora and Fauna.

Part II

Chapter I: The Destruction of Atlantis Described in the Deluge Legends.
Chapter II: The Deluge of the Bible
Chapter III: The Deluge of the Chaldeans.
Chapter IV: The Deluge Legends of Other Nations.
Chapter V: The Deluge Legends of America.
Chapter VI: Some Consideration of the Deluge Legends.

Part III

Chapter I: Civilization an Inheritance.
Chapter II: The Identity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New
Chapter III: American Evidences of Intercourse with Europe or Atlantis.
Chapter IV: Corroborating Circumstances.
Chapter V: The Question of Complexion.
Chapter VI: Genesis Contains a History of Atlantis
Chapter VII: The Origin of Our Alphabet
Chapter VIII: The Bronze Age in Europe.
Chapter IX: Artificial Deformation of the Skull.

Part IV

Chapter I: Traditions of Atlantis.
Chapter II: The Kings of Atlantis Become the Gods of the Greeks.
Chapter III: The Gods of the Phoenicians Also Kings of Atlantis.
Chapter IV: The God Odin, Woden, or Wotan.
Chapter V: The Pyramid, The Cross, and The Garden of Eden.
Chapter VI: Gold and Silver the Sacred Metals of Atlantis.

Part V

Chapter I: The Central American and Mexican Colonies.
Chapter II: The Egyptian Colony.
Chapter III: The Colonies of the Mississippi Valley
Chapter IV: The Iberian Colonies of Atlantis
Chapter V: The Peruvian Colony.
Chapter VI: The African Colonies.
Chapter VII: The Irish Colonies From Atlantis.
Chapter VIII: The Oldest Son of Noah.
Chapter IX: The Antiquity of Some of Our Great Inventions.
Chapter X: The Aryan Colonies From Atlantis.
Chapter XI: Atlantis Reconstructed.

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World 


Atlantis: The Antediluvian World is a pseudoarchaeological book published in 1882 by Minnesota populist politician Ignatius L. Donnelly. Donnelly considered Plato's account of Atlantis as largely factual and suggested that all known ancient civilizations were descended from this lost land.[1]

Many of its theories are the source of many modern-day concepts about Atlantis, including these: the civilization and technology beyond its time, the origins of all present races and civilizations, and a civil war between good and evil. Much of Donnelly's writing, especially with regard to Atlantis as an explanation for similarities between ancient civilizations of the Old and New Worlds, was inspired by the publications of Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg and the fieldwork of Augustus Le Plongeon in the Yucatan. It was avidly supported by publications of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society as well as by Rudolf Steiner.[citation needed]

Edgar Cayce Prophecies: Past, Present and Future 

  I. Introduction to Edgar Cayce’s Prophecies

Edgar Cayce Readings @ 1971, 1993-2017
by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
All Rights Reserved

Edgar Cayce ( believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies – to warn people to change so that the prophecies won’t happen. Because Cayce was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this shows how some of his apocalyptic predictions have been averted. In fact, this demonstrates an important principle that a successful apocalyptic prophecy is one that has been averted. Cayce’s prophecies became well-known all over the world and a case can be made that Cayce may have had some influence in altering the course of history enough to avert some of his apocalyptic prophecies. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. Jesus’ reply was:

Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta 


Before we discuss Ra-Ta, it will be important for certain readers to be assured that Cayce’s readings did not put the Ra group nor his own previous incarnation as Ra-Ta at the “top of the pyramid” in the spiritual sense. In the last chapter we saw how Ra used the word “Logos” to describe the personality of our Galaxy as a conscious being. In the Cayce Readings, it is stated that the Logos decided to take on personal Earth incarnations from the very beginning of our third-density cycle of experience. [This could well be due to the immense problems that had already occurred with Mars and Maldek.]

The original incarnation of the Logos was known as “Amilius,” who became the prototype for “Adam” in the book of Genesis. After many very historic spiritual incarnations including Melchizedek, Elijah and Moses, the final incarnation of the Logos on earth came about in the life of Jesus, who called himself “the last Adam.” Once Jesus completed his personal initiation, he began saying “I am the Logos,” which again is now translated to “I am the Word.” The Cayce readings also say that Jesus was the first person to complete this process of self-transformation, and that others would follow a similar path at the end of the cycle.

Edgar Cayce Prophecies: Past, Present and Future 

 I. Introduction to Edgar Cayce’s Prophecies

Edgar Cayce Readings @ 1971, 1993-2017
by the Edgar Cayce Foundation
All Rights Reserved

Edgar Cayce ( believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies – to warn people to change so that the prophecies won’t happen. Because Cayce was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this shows how some of his apocalyptic predictions have been averted. In fact, this demonstrates an important principle that a successful apocalyptic prophecy is one that has been averted. Cayce’s prophecies became well-known all over the world and a case can be made that Cayce may have had some influence in altering the course of history enough to avert some of his apocalyptic prophecies. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. Jesus’ reply was:

Amilius vs Belial – The War Between Good and Evil 


Amilius vs Belial – The War Between Good and Evil
Signs and Synchronicties

By Rev. Kat Carroll

I have many friends who are awakening and are excited to share articles they’ve found on the crimes and corruption being exposed.  Having been immersed in those dark waters for about 5 years, I am hyper aware of what’s been happening, and frankly, I’m tired of hearing the stories. I’m sure many of you feel the same. I understand that finding the information is part of the awakening process as truth must be exposed. However, we need to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and strive for higher consciousness. That’s a hard goal to reach when always walking in the swamp!

Edgar Cayce on the Past Lives of Jesus Christ 

 2. The Incarnations of Jesus According to Cayce

The following is a list of the incarnations of Jesus according to Cayce. Note that all these incarnations of Jesus, as Cayce describes them, have in common their role as psychic revelators:

(1) Amilius

Amilius was the first expression of Divine Mind (the Logos); the Christ-soul before his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 1) and incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 2). He was the entity Cayce identified as Amilius living in the lost civilization of Atlantis who redirected the process of human evolution by creating a more appropriate physical form for the influx of souls to incarnate into rather than incarnating into the ape-like human form which souls had entangled themselves in. The first wave of souls (known as “the sons of men“) became entrapped in the physical plane accidentally through their misuse of free will. These events gave rise to the legend of the “fall of the angels.” The second wave (“the sons of God“) consisted of those souls led by Amilius (the Christ-soul) who voluntarily became entrapped in flesh as Adam in order to assist the first wave.

(2) Adam
(3) Enoch
(4) Hermes
(5) Melchizedek
(6) Joseph
(7) Joshua
(8) Asaph
(9) Jeshua
(10) Zend
(11) Jesus
(12) ????? of the Second Coming

Amilius in the Hot Zone - The Ra Ta Secret


The British System vs. the American System: Why the Collapse is Inevitable 


Between 1971 and 1973, banks of the City of London and its offshore centers destroyed President Franklin Roosevelt’s post-war Bretton Woods monetary and credit system. London’s offshore banks broke all the Bretton Woods rules in the dollar “carry trade” known as the eurodollar and petrodollar markets. These markets resumed the standard British banking model—lending directly at very high interest rates to sovereign governments, in this case to developing nations.

By 1980, these British banks had Wall Street in tow, and through these markets, had hosted two gigantic oil hoaxes, generated rampant inflation throughout industrial countries, created a growing “Third World debt bomb”—and the world economy was awash in speculation in currency values, interest rates, etc. In another five years after that, the vast majority of new dollar currency was actually being created in London for speculative purposes.

Guest Post: American System vs British Free Market by Declan Fisher 

Matt Ehret Insights

Recently I was given an essay assignment about whether we should restrict foreign imports of cars and other products. The final essay I wrote was quite dry, so I am going to use this article to address this problem in more depth, on a platform where I have a lot more room.


Henry Carey and William McKinley:

What Is the American System?
U.S. citizens, and even economists and historians in this country, have often never heard of the "American System" of economics which made our nation great. Worse yet, many confuse it with the British System of free trade and looting.

In the nineteenth century, however, our leading statesmen not only understood the American System, but promoted it, and campaigned for it, in their political speeches. They understood that our nation, even the world, was in a life or death battle against the British System of economics.

Americans must understand that their noble identity lies in fighting the British system of economics. That is the only pathway out of the current crisis.

Here, we begin a series of articles explaining the American System in the words of national leaders who implemented it, such as Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, and Abraham Lincoln. We begin with from the writings and speeches of President Lincoln's economics adviser, Henry C. Carey, and President William McKinley, both before and after he entered the White House in 1896. The ferocity of the political battle between America and our historical adversary Great Britain, an implacable adversary of American System economics, is attested to by the fact that McKinley, America's 25th President, was assassinated by British-linked anarchist Leon Czolgosz, six months after his election to a second term in 1900. The Anglophile Teddy Roosevelt, who reversed all of the Lincoln-McKinley economic policies, took office.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Essence of the West



The Essence of the West

The following list of links are important sources in developing a proper understanding of what the West, "Western Civilization" and "Westernism" is:

  L I N K S

The Modern World: White and Western (

On the Ontological Difference Between Medieval Europe and the Atlanticist West (

They Gave Us Modernism: A Response to Megha Liliwhite's "What We Owe to the West" (

A Refutation of Realist and Materialist Substance Ontology (

Self Determination of the Peoples? The Important Lessons of Soviet Russia and Imperial Japan (

The Theory of Consciousness as the Basis of Reality (

The Theory of Language as the Basis of Identity (

Idealism as the Philosophy of Christian Theology (

The Theory of History as a Subject of Natural Revelation (

What is the Liberal World Order of the Atlanticist West? (

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Judeo-Christian Heresy as the Theological Origin of the Left


The Historical Roots Of Cultural Marxism Must Be Understood If It Is To Be Defeated 


Sabbatean-Frankism as the Paradigm of the Modern Left


 Introduction: Sabbatean-Frankist Paradigm

What do all these influential intellectuals all have in common?

1. Communism (Marx)
2. Sexual depravity (Freud)
3. Corporate Leftism (Bernays)
4. Multiculturalism (Horace Kallen)
5. Deconstructivism/Critical Theory (Walter Benjamin)
6. Frankfurt School (Adorno)
7. Radical jurisprudence (Brandeis, Frankfurter, and Cardozo)
8. Large-scale, non-selective immigration (Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus)

They are all linked to Sabbatean-Frankism, a distinct quasi-Satanic schism within Jewry. The extraordinary prevalence of Sabbatean-Frankist influence among top Jewish intellectuals from 1850-1950 makes it statistically impossible to deny its role because of the impossible coincidences.

The Sabbatean-Frankists sought to invert traditional Jewish-Christian values, including the 10 Commandments, restrictions on debauched sexuality, man’s dominion over the environment, etc. Further, given Sabbatean-Frankism’s apocalyptic nature, the modern Left is riven with irrational destructive impulses.

The Sabbatean-Frankist Cult — The Satanic Infiltration of the Western World 


(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Western world was invaded by a satanic ideology long ago. The machinations of these insidious groups influenced society for generations. The following is only a small sample of the hidden history of the past 500 years.

– Justin

Related Former Satanic Priest Exposes the 4 Main Tenets of Satanic Ideology

SourceHenry Makow

by Dr. Henry Makow, October 16th, 2007

“How can one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight unless…God had delivered them into enemy hands?” Deuteronomy 32:30

“Either convert to Islam or die.” This was the choice the Turkish Sultan put to Sabbatai Zevi, self-proclaimed Jewish “Messiah” in 1666.

By only pretending to convert, Zevi resorted to a common practice. But Zevi was not an ordinary Jew. He led a popular heresy, based on a satanic strain of Cabalism. The rabbis had denounced him and his followers.

After his “conversion,” over a million followers, who later included financiers like the Rothschilds, imitated his example. But they didn’t just pretend to be Muslims or Christians. They pretended to be Jews as well.

Friday, August 11, 2023

How the US and England tried to solve the “Russian question” 

 England and the USA are fierce enemies of Russia

England has waged an informational, subversive war against Russia since the establishment of the Russian Empire. The British used the principle: divide, pit, and conquer. They set Sweden, Turkey, Iran, Prussia, Napoleonic France against Russia. The United States joined England almost immediately after independence. Obviously, the Anglo-Saxons felt a threat to their empire from the Russian world.

The Anglo-Saxons, within the framework of a common Western project, overtook France and began to create their own “new world order” – a caste slave-owning civilization. Its new formation was predatory, parasitic capitalism. The Western world enslaved neighboring countries, peoples, cultures and civilizations and sucked out their resources (Parasitism is the basis of the prosperity of the Western world). As well as one of their favorite images in cinema – a vampire ghoul.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle 


How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle - A PNAC Primer

By Bernard Weiner
The Crisis Papers

Recently, I was the guest on a radio talk-show hosted by a thoroughly decent far-right Republician. I got verbally battered, but returned fire and, I think, held my own. Toward the end of the hour, I mentioned that the National Security Strategy -- promulgated by the Bush Administration in September 2002 -- now included attacking possible future competitors first, assuming regional hegemony by force of arms, controlling energy resources around the globe, maintaining a permanent-war strategy, etc.

"I'm not making up this stuff," I said. "It's all talked about openly by the neoconservatives of the Project for the New American Century -- who now are in charge of America's military and foreign policy -- and published as official U.S. doctrine in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America."

Soviet Refugees Flock to the Republican Party


In one of the most remarkable and unexpected political demographic developments, the 700,000+ Russian-American refugees who came to the United States in the 1980s are demonstrating their ideological and pragmatic affinity with the GOP, particularly in New York City, where the beleaguered GOP is a true minority party, having only a marginal place in city government, as 46 out of 51 NYC Council seats are held by Democrats.

As this immigrant community is coming of age in the United States, in what sociologist Miles Gordon describes as the stage of Structural Assimilation (the second of seven stages in assimilation, in which newly-arrived peoples enter the host society’s institutions, after adopting its cultural and social norms), it is finally beginning to assert its political identity and flex its political muscle. In a city where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by an over 5:1 ratio, according to NYC Board of Elections statistics, the flight of this demographic group to the Republican Party represents a rare golden opportunity for the GOP to increase its presence in city government.



The Judeo-Russian Mafia (Kosher Nostra) – From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Domination by Ian Greenhalgh – December 2, 2016

Click for Source Article by Ian Greenhalgh

Kosher Nostra Mafia came to America from Ashkenazi Run Communist USSR penniless but using ruthlessness and murderous techniques they now dominate organized crime in the USA and Canada.

Donald Trump was created by Roy Cohn, a kingpin of the Ashkenazi Mafia that includes NYC mafia families & Felix Sater and the Brighton Beach Ashkenazi mafia. He has been managed by Rothschilds Puppet Master Wilbur Ross Since 1978 laundering Opium/Narco drug money through Trump Casinos.

1918 Zionist mob including Ashkenazi thugs and killers seized control of the Russian Empire and 66+ million (mostly Christians) were murdered.

The Ashkenazi Mafia is a far more powerful and sinister force that ISIS or AQ. British Rothschilds Crime Syndicate is fully in cooperation with this Ashkenazi Mafia and Rothschilds have not even had their FBI setup a Ashkenazi Desk even though they dwarf ISIS & Italian gangsters in scope, violence and depth they will sink to rob and destroy Americans.

Robert I. Friedman (1951-2002), a daring Jewish journalist made headlines exposing Ashkenazi linked politicians, bankers and mobsters who preyed on the powerless masses. Friedman’s book “Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America” brought him high level death threats and he supposedly died of some tropical disease after being badly

Jewish Political Conservatism: The Emergence of Republican Jews 

 By Steven Windmueller, Ph.D.

Jewish conservative thought has deep roots in the American political tradition. In more recent times particular emphasis has been given to the presence and growth of Jewish Republicans, sparking a renewed discussion of the place of conservative political ideas within contemporary Jewish life and within American society. Today, Jews who are Republicans must be seen as an active component of the Jewish communal story.

In Context:

Globally, Jews have been operating historically in a conservative political frame. Today Jewish voters in Europe, Israel and elsewhere have demonstrated a higher degree of support for right of center political parties than has been the case within the American context. There is ample evidence as well that conservative political practice defined how Jews understood their place and role in feudal and authoritarian societies in which they would reside during much of their Diaspora historical experience, often aligning themselves with politically entrenched players as a means of securing protection against the rule of the mob.

The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook 

Inspired by Jewish groups that cast criticism of Israel as antisemitism, Hindu American organizations are advancing a concept of “Hinduphobia” that puts India beyond reproach.
Aparna Gopalan

Every August, the township of Edison, New Jersey—where one in five residents is of Indian origin—holds a parade to celebrate India’s Independence Day. In 2022, a long line of floats rolled through the streets, decked out in images of Hindu deities and colorful advertisements for local businesses. People cheered from the sidelines or joined the cavalcade, dancing to pulsing Bollywood music. In the middle of the procession came another kind of vehicle: A wheel loader, which looks like a small bulldozer,

Henry “Scoop” Jackson and the Jewish Cold Warriors 

 An alliance between Jewish activists and congressional neocons made Soviet Jewry a key issue in superpower relations—and reshaped American Jewish politics in the process.
Hadas Binyamini
May 24, 2022

‘Scoop’ Jackson at One Hundred 

  The conscience of a neoconservative giant.
by Joshua Muravchik

This year marks the centennial of the birth of Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson, one of the towering figures of American politics in the latter half of the 20th century and the avatar of neoconservatism. A Democrat representing the state of Washington in the U.S. Senate from 1953 until his sudden death in 1983, he deserves to be recalled not only because he merits honor but also because little of today’s politics would be comprehensible without understanding his 30 years in office.

Polarian epoch 


The first Polarian epoch of Earth's fourth Condition of Form (CoF) in the fourth Condition of Life (CoL), represents the start of the physical mineral level. In the Polarian epoch the Earth and Man were in etheric form.

Hyperborean epoch 


The Hyperborean epoch was the second epoch in the current Earth cycle (CoF or globe), and is like an echo of the Old Sun planetary stage of evolution.

The major event that took place in the beginning of the epoch was the separation of the Sun with the Earth body (including the Moon).

Mainstream humanity was still in the early phases of development as an air-being, preparatory stages before the great transformation in the Lemurian epoch.

Nevertheless, the Hyperborean epoch is also called the age of the Sun Men or Apollo-Men, as the advanced 'solar pitris' (or 'fathers') were able to incarnate and form a particularly beautiful race with an upright form and completely transformed body.

China's Rare Earth Metals Ban Hits US Chip Trade Restrictions Where It Hurts 


Peter Arkell, chairman of the Global Mining Association of China who has been running a consulting business in the PRC for almost 20 years, said that Beijing's restrictions on the export of rare earth metals were a predictable response to Washington's trade war.
China's curbs on rare earth metals to Western microchip makers comes as no surprise after a year of US-led sanctions, says a mining expert.
Beijing's new restrictions on the export of eight gallium and six germanium products, on the basis that they have dual civilian and military uses, came into force on Tuesday.
China is the world's leading producer of those two elements, which are used in the manufacture of microchips. That followed a year of efforts by Washington to cut off China's access to high-grade chips and the machines to manufacture them, under the pretext of US "national security."
Global Mining Association of China Chairman Peter Arkell told Sputnik that the PRC's response to the US embargo was no surprise.

EMJ Live #36: Part II - Oppenheimer: Applied Jewish Science 

Revisionism in Russia: Trotsky Against the Bolsheviks – Part One: To 1914 

 Read part two here.

Trotsky speaks:

    “Among the Russian comrades, there was not one from whom I could learn anything…The errors which I have committed . . always referred to questions that were not fundamental or strategic. . . In all conscientiousness I cannot, in the appreciation of the political situation and of its revolutionary perspectives, accuse myself of any serious errors of judgement.

    Looking back, two years after the revolution, Lenin said:

    ‘At the moment when it seized the power and created the Soviet republic, Bolshevism drew to itself all the best elements in the currents of Socialist thought that were nearest to it’.

"Team B" - History "Behind Closed Doors" 1970-1980 

    The Team B Report [opposed any cooperation] and, as the author observes, it provided "intellectual fodder" for the Committee on the Present Danger, which was spearheaded by former Undersecretary of State Eugene Rostow. In its first policy statement, released two days after the 1976 presidential election, the committee stated that "the principal threat to our nation, to world peace, and to the cause of human freedom is the Soviet drive for dominance based upon an unparalleled military buildup." The Soviet Union, the committee concluded, "has not altered its long-held goal of a world dominated from a single center -- Moscow."
    "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" in ISRAEL ...

    Not surprisingly, the founding board members of the Committee on the Present Danger included Team B members Richard Pipes, Foy Kohler, Paul Nitze, and William Van Cleave. When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, Pipes was named the president's special adviser on the Soviet Union and, in a masterpiece of miscasting, Eugene Rostow, the motivating force behind the Committee on the Present Danger, became director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
    ... Gervasi argues that the Reagan Administration's massive defense buildup has been sold to the U.S. public with lies and manipulated information, and that the Administration has systematically suppressed dissent by using threats, punishments and selective favors.

    As a result, Gervasi concludes, most of the mainstream press and think-tanks have been dragooned into a conspiracy of deceit. The real reason the United States is amassing ever-greater arsenals is because the defense industry want to increase its already-swollen profits.

Monday, August 7, 2023

ASML Holding 


As of 2022 it is the largest supplier for the semiconductor industry and the sole supplier in the world of extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) photolithography machines that are required to manufacture the most advanced chips.[2] As of June 2023, ASML was the most highly valued European tech company, with a market capitalization of about US$280 billion.[3]

ASML Holding N.V. (commonly shortened to ASML, originally standing for Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography) is a Dutch multinational corporation founded in 1984. ASML specializes in the development and manufacturing of photolithography machines which are used to produce computer chips.

ASML Holding N.V.

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