Friday, April 26, 2019

If Mr. Dugin is demonized by the ”Washington Post”, that means he's right
It is well known that the ”Washington Post” is one of the most important tentacles of the octopus called mainstream or corporate media which is at the service of the great capital, of globalism that undermines the sovereignty of all states, causes huge economic discrepancies, poverty, misery and suffering everywhere.  But in the last few years the dominant media has lost a lot of its credibility. And this, first of all, thanks to the honest intellectuals who criticize the System of the new kind of devastating imperialism that seriously affects all peoples of the world. In the last twenty years, among the world's most influential scholars who present a profound, complex and coherent analysis of the spiritual, cultural, political and economic essence of financial capitalism, neoliberalism, the West's civilization exclusivity, which pretend to be the superior and obligatory model for the rest of the world is the Russian conservative philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. His books are translated  and published regularly in many countries, his presence at various international conferences has an enormous impact. His notoriety has become so great on a global scale that liberal virus promoters, corporate media propagandists can no longer ignore him. And the following article is a suplimentary argument in that sense:

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